Mike-Where Are You Part 2

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Mike's POV

"Y/N, where are you?" I yelled crying for a response, Dustin was searching around. She couldn't of gone far, he must've seen something. I got up shaking Dustin asking where she went, he shrugged not knowing staring at the ground.

I kept trying to get him to focus, when something caught my eye, I was staring at the same thing as Dustin. A red vine looking plant, we backed away, seeing a small hole in the ground, I stepped on the vines as Dustin screamed, from me stepping on them.

"I don't know where she went?" Dustin begged as he looked down the hole. Lucas and Will were gone we couldn't count on them for help, and Y/N, might be down there.

"On three, we go in." I said, Dustin shook his head, I convinced him we need to find her, for everyone's sake, after everything we've all been through, loosing Eleven, Barb and almost Will. Now her, none of us can bare to loose anyone else.

"Ok fine." On three we jumped into the hole, we fell on top of each other. Landing on this weird feeling ground, it was rough yet felt like tooth paste or oil. Dustin slipped getting up, I grabbed a tree branch or so that's what I thought it was. Turning on my flashlight from my back pack, staring over to Dustin fixing his hat.

We walked through the tunnels calling her name, I could hear voices in my head, I think I'm going crazy.

Your POV

I was standing in front of Mike, the next I was in the dark, some where I have no idea where I am. I  felt myself being dragged in a cold and mucky area. I screamed and pleaded for help, not hearing anything but myself.

Once I felt that I wasn't moving, I opened my eyes, seeing red and black everywhere. I stood up standing my grounds, staring at nothing, as there was nothing else to see beyond the red and black plants.

I walked around seeing no way out, yelling and screaming once again. I had nothing but my bag and no light to guide me. I stumbled upon what felt like a small hole, I landed in  what felt like slime, I wanted to scream and freak out so much, but I knew if I did that, it would just make me sink further in.

Once I couldn't fell my lower body, I knew I was gone, gone for good. I felt limp and whoozy, not knowing what was going on.

Mike's POV

Dustin and I kept walking no sight of her anywhere, there were so many different tunnels to go, we stayed in the same one, so we didn't get lost and get into more trouble then were probably already in.

"Mike, Mike!" I heard my name, stopping then seeing Dustin run into me, I shone my light into his eyes, seeing him stare at me slightly with squinty eyes.  I laughed at a time where I shouldn't be seeing as Dustin moved my arm out of his face.

"What do you want Dustin?"

"Nothing, I thought I lost you, I couldn't see." I rolled my eyes as he was holding onto my bag so he didn't get 'lost' again. I felt like the ground was becoming on even but only for a split few feet. I stopped and turned my light towards the ground.

I gasped dropping my light as Dustin screamed. I don't know why he screamed but he did.
I kneeled down seeing Y/N, covered in these vines and she a had vine in her mouth. Dustin used his pocket knife and started cutting around her.

I was holding back my tears not wanting Dustin to know I was crying. He got her lower half out and free, I was hitting some of the vines with my flash light. She didn't look like she was breathing but, I pulled the vine out of her mouth and untangling her from them.

She was limp and wasn't moving not even breathing a slight bit. Dustin stopped and came beside me, staring at her neither of us knew if she was alive anymore. He and I dropped our things.

I lowered my head, crying into my knees. I felt as if the world had ended, Dustin and I were crying leaning on each other. I felt my han beginning to feel warmer by the second. I looked up seeing Y/N's hand move closer to me, she started coughing.

Dustin looked at her, helping her sit up, I stared at her as Dustin tried helping her up. She kept coughing before she stopped and started to talk slightly.

"Y/N, your alive!" I cried out, she looked at her surroundings before leaning back onto Dustin for balance, she got up not walking to well. Dustin and I helped her up. Once we found the hole that we came down from, Dustin had attached a rope to a tree to we could climb out, he let go of her and she lost some balance shifting her weight onto me.

Dustin was just getting out, as I looked to her, seeing her slightly smiling. She mumbled different things explain to me she was sorry for eaves dropping on us. I forgave her and, a moment of silence was going on, I leaned in kissing her as she lifted her chin up kissing me too.

"Shame shame." Dustin said laughing before he tugged on the rope, she smiled looking down grabbing the rope. we tied it around her so Dustin could pull her up. I kneeled down putting my flashlight back in my bag, before grabbing a hold of the rope and getting out of this place.

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