Will-Snow Angels

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Your POV

"Y/N, snow day the roads are full of slush and buses are cancelled. I won't be able to drive you today." I squealed finally the first snow day of the year.  I walked up to my room searching for my snow gear. 

"Hello?" I answered the phone, my mom was gone, dad left early. I listened but the other end of the line was wirey.

"Troye hang up the phone you little piece of shit." I yelled, Steve came in my room, telling me to keep my words to myself. I rolled my eyes, asking once again who it was.

"Will, wanna join me at the ski hill?" I love skiing, I go a few times every year and with Will. I replied saying sure, he'd meet me here with Jonathan, Steve decided he would come, but only because Troye and I were leaving the house.

"Thanks to you little rug rats, I have to leave and do stuff when it's our only day off." Steve whined, I laughed rushing out the door with my snow gear. Troye followed right behind me out the door, I slammed the car door on him causing him to go around the car. 

I sat next to Will, Steve left the house with sunglasses and a pair of Nike sneakers. Someone's gonna freeze on the hill. He sat passenger to Jonathan, I lifted my jacket seeing as Troye needed his space. 

"Troye why do you always come."

"It's fine, the more the merrier, right?" Will said, I smiled then looked over at Troye, he drew pictures on the windows, as Steve jammed out to Jonathan's music.  


"Lunch, be inside." Steve obligated us.

"You too Will." We nodded grabbing out skis rentals and walking out of the small building. I stepped on the skis locking my boots in place. 

"How on earth do you guys do this every year!" Troy complains. I stop in my tracks, and face him. I push him over telling him to at least put his boots on properly, Will laughs helping me. Once we help him up, he leaves without saying a word. Brothers.

"So where to?" Will asks, I smiled asking to go up the green chair lift, considering it's a huge ski resort outside of Hawkins, a good hour away.  I sat on the chair with Will beside me, as I looked down I noticed Troye have so much difficulty, honestly kind of felt bad.

"He's fine, he could've came  with us." I agreed. Sitting with Will I starred out at the white trees and colorful suits on the ground. Every now and then I'd noticed Will move closer and closer, till he was inches away from me.

I looked over at him, he simply smiled acknowledging the fact that I showed him affection. It's not like it's a first. 

"How much longer do you think we'll be on here?" I asked, I just wanted to ski. I hate when most of our day is spent on the chair lift, either it gets stuck or takes forever to get to the top or simply stopping it because people fall of the chair when getting off.


"Oh yea..."

"I said in a few minutes hopefully, I hate heights." I couldn't help myself but laugh at the poor kid. My best friend, afraid of heights is on a chair lift, a good 20 feet above the ground. 

"Your kidding right? You've never mentioned this before."

"I don't want to seem like a wimp." I smiled side hugging him, scooting over so I could do so.

"Don't worry, your always be a wimp in my heart." He laughed starring at me, I never noticed how greenish brown his eyes were till now. I let out a small side smile escape from my lip.

"What?" He asked, still smiling, I had no words. All these years I've never thought of it till now, or at least I don't think so. Do I like my bestfriend?

"Nothing" He continued starring at me, I blushed looking down telling him to stare at a tree or something, as I noticed he was complementing me, then felt a brush of wind over my hand. I looked down to see his mit on mine.



So this is what it feels like to be kissed. A warm tingly feeling throughout your body, not wanting this moment to end, yet you do to see the person you just kissed. Snow suddenly started to fall from the sky, a sign?

We looked at each other, we kissed once more, and now it really started to snow. I smiled starring up at the snow flakes, like snow angles dancing in the sky. I smiled once again starring at will before getting off the chair lift.

Realizing that it wasn't really snowing, they were simply making snow with the machines. I laughed started going down the hill, hearing Will from the distance.

"So are we a thing, or what?"

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