Request- Mike

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Imagine for: 

Sydney's POV 

As I walked up to the school doors, moving my red hair out of my face and behind my ear so I could see. I noticed Mike, the guy I kind of, sorta, maybe had a crush on. I waved off my brother, Steve as he sat in his car in the parking lot, with that nasty bitch Nancy.

I laughed shaking my head, walking into the school from the middle school end. Dustin, walked up beside me, he's always with his friends, but I didn't seem to want any more friends, all I need is one best friend, Dustin.

I yawned walking into the school, still tired, because my parents were out of town again, and Steve had to watch me. With his fights with Nancy lately, and him complaining that he's done with her is beyond me.

"Ready for the snow ball tonight?" Dustin asked, he laughed at me for yawning. 

"I guess... I honestly don't need to go, but you going, so I will too."

"That's the spirit!" Dustin laughed and I gave him a nuggie, kinda hard when he's a good 5 inches taller then me.  We walked into class and took our seats. I sat beside Dustin today, seeing as his weird friends were late... again.

"What up Dusty! Wanna tell us who this is?" His taller friend, with the darker skin said, smiling with a huge ass smirk on his face. I smiled, walked up to him, almost tripped but walked to him. Stood beside him and lightly tapped his cheek. 

"Sit down bub!" I laughed sitting back down. 

"That was Lucas, this is Will, and over there... Where's Mike."

"He's gonna be late, he popped a tire, and we left him." I felt bad for him, yet happy.

"Oh yea. Well Mike's coming."  I leaned on my desk zoning out after hearing his name... Mike.

"Sydney!" I looked up and the class and noticed the teacher was in front of my desk. Lucas leaned over to me and commented.

"Leave me alone, or I'll slap ya upside the hide pretty boy!" Without hesitation he sat back in his chair and looked over at the window. I laughed answering the teacher's question. As soon as class finished, I left in a hurry to my locker. I ran into Jonathan and Nancy on my way. 

Dustin ran after me, his little weirdos following close behind. I could hear Dustin calling my name, and then someone calling Dustin's name. We all stopped, I saw Mike and bolted to my next class. I isolated, and weird with these boys, Dustin understands me and I understand him. That's all I need.

~~~~~End of the day~~~~~

"Sydney, let's go supper isn't going to cook it's self!" Steve shouted, I ran out of the courtyard with Dustin, he normally comes over at 4 but he decided to come early today. We drove home with Steve's music blasting. Steve has gotten use to Dustin's company and I think he enjoys it. 

I mean out of all people, I'd rather be with Steve and Dustin then Nancy and Steve. I walked inside, threw my bag on the floor, I heard Steve call out my name to pick it up. He'll give up and eventually do it him self.  

"Sydney, Dustin get ready I'm leaving in no less then an hour." Dustin looks at the mirror then his hair, then the mirror and back at me. I laughed. He went to see Steve for advice and hair tips. 

I continued to get ready, I wore a simple dress, short but long, with a tiny flow. A light purple color, with my hair curled and styled. I looked good, I put on flat shoes considering I may kill myself walking down the stairs. 

I left my room, and saw the boys with their jaws dropped. How come I can't do that when I see them. Steve laughed looking at me.

"You really want to wear that?" I punched his arm and answered him.

"What's wrong with it? I think she looks great." I smiled giving Dustin a hug, after I commented on his outfit for the night.

"Ok, get in the car!" I laughed sitting in the back, letting Dustin sit in the front. Once we got there, I walked into the gym handing the girls at the booth my ticket. Steve was helping Dustin with his hair, obviously. He would always give a slight glance over in Nancy Wheeler's direction. Scum bag!

I sat down on the bleachers with Dustin. After he told me he was going to ask some girls to dance, I was left alone. That was until the dashing boy I've had a crush on, Mike,  sat beside me. I smiled and scooted over. 

"Hey Sydney, like the dance so far?" He asked me, I nodded. Just as I was going to tell him something, his jaw dropped, his eyes had hope and he stood up. I looked over in the general direction he was looking at. 

A girl with brown hair and a bow in her hair, with a blueish dress with some sort of polka dots and flats walked into the place, once their eyes met, I knew something was happening, in front of me.

I was shocked, who is this girl? She's never been to this school, never seen her around town. The boys never talk about her, who is she? I stayed seated with all these questions running through my head. 

Shiny black shoes, a black tux and nice haired guy walked up to me. I looked up and saw him. I looked down and smiled saying 'Hi'.

"You looked lonely, wanna dance? Not that I'm lonely or anything?" Did I ever like this guy too at a certain point? No I can't. He's the kid ever likes, or either no one likes.

"Not lonely, but yea I'd love to." I said, grabbing his hand and walked onto the dance floor. I saw Mike and his weird friend that's a girl, who I was of course jealous of, dancing together.

We swayed back and forth and would line dance, we danced to any type of music, but when the slow songs started playing, we were... confused? He grabbed my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Wow he's taller then me.

We danced for a while like this, I guess this night isn't that bad.-Until he had to start a fight.

**Part Two is coming soon**

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