Lucas- Blindside(s)

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Your POV

I'd glance over at Lucas every now and then. I know, I know, stalker... So I've been told. But its not like that, not at all. He's been my friend, good friend for two years and hopefully counting. I watched as he laughed with his friends.

Dustin, Mike and Will sat around me at the lunch room, El and Max were on either side of me and we laughed, but I noticed El kept staring at me. 

"Yes?" I asked,  she smiled starring in our direction and over to Lucas.

"I know you have something for him." I looked at Max and noticed her smile and laugh.

"Yea, and don't say no because of me. Were not together, besides he wasn't for me, I don't think." I nodded, considering she gave me her "blessing" I accepted. But he has a girl friend anyway so it wouldn't matter.

I saw him stare over at all of us at our table, he was sitting on a table top with his girlfriend, Emma, I rolled my eyes, but he hopped off the table and joined us, as his "pet" followed him. I scoffed.

"Mike, Dustin, Will, Ladies." Lucas laughed. Max nearly fell off her seat from laughing, I caught her laughing just as hard. He left with Emma and I put my angry face back on. Mike and Dustin starred at me odd. Boys.

Later in class I kept noticing Lucas stare at me, but yet I was in the wrong, yet so right by staring at him as well. I couldn't help, when he was sitting in the light, his hair kinda had a sparkle to it. I chuckled, turning back in my seat. 

I took notes as I finished my drawings over the animal kingdoms, funny right? I jumped as I heard the bell ring and I was half asleep on my arm leaning against the desk. Max shook me and laughed helping me, guiding me out of the class. 

As I left the class I noticed a hand brush up against mine, It was Lucas. He smiled as his teeth shined.

"You know, nap time is for people who don't sleep at night." He winked and left the class, his girlfriend gave me the stink eye, I pushed into her on purpose, and she slightly fell. I laughed seeing Max and El laughing so hard beside me, I nearly choked.

"Nice." I high fived Max as we walked out of the class. I looked back to see Lucas in the hallway, leaning against the lockers, with Emma.

"Someone's starring at you." I looked to her, she punched me lightly, before turning back to Emma and Lucas.

" Hey Emma, your skirt is too short, but you know won't matter because honestly, there's nothing there anyway." I laughed so hard, seeing Max nearly dying.  Emma huffed yelling at us, we ran in the other direction and hid from the fearsome Emma.

~~~~~~Later that Day~~~~~~

I was walking around the school with Max and Will, were tight the three of us. Most people thought that Will and Max would never be friends, but not look. I felt a sharp pain in my side, I fell to the ground, seeing who it was.

Emma, she had a metal bar in her hand, probably from the fence next to us around the corner. I looked up and saw her, she looked scared and  afraid at me as she dropped the post and ran for it. Max chassed after her, yelling and swearing, I smiled, but her too much. 

"Y/N, what can I do to help?" Will asked, helping me up, he helped me home and I saw Max not too long after following us.  She held onto my other side, helping me to Mike's house considering I was staying with them for the week, as my parents were gone on business trips.

"She shouldn't come back."

"What'd you do, say?"

"Nothing, let's just say a few bad words may have escaped my mouth." She laughed, we walked in and went down to the basement,  they placed me on the couch with a bag of peas.

"What the hell happened!" Mike yelled with El trailing behind him. My eyes squinted, as my face scrunched up in pain.

"Emma, Lucas' girlfriend attacked her." Will said panicking. 

"Doesn't matter anymore he's coming over later." I sighed, watching tv  with everyone, we were all going to the movies, doubt any of them will let me go, yet Mike's Parents as well. 


I walked outside with the help of Max and Dustin, I laughed slightly at Dustin's comments. We walked the sidewalks of Hawkins down to the movies. Once we got there, about to walk in Lucas stood at the doors with no other then Emma, she didn't look at us, nor did she say sorry.

"Hey guys, what's up? What movie we seeing?" He smiled standing in front of us.

"Don't think you don't know? You know what you did." Max yelled as El and Mike held her back, Lucas stood in front of Emma, staring at me, seeing me limping by Dustin's side, his eyes showed pity but his actions showed ' I don't care.' 

"What are you talking about?" Lucas said, walking up to us.

"Nothing, I got attacked by a fence."

"A fence?"

"She's lying to safe her ass! Yea you, Emma, don't play stupid. Lucas isn't this dumb and oblivious" Dustin snapped, staying beside me. Lucas starred over at her before walking over to me. I slapped his hand, seeing as I didn't know what he was doing.

Dustin must've known something and let him, he lifted my shirt and noticed the purple and green bruise and swelling.  He gasped raising a hand behind his head before starring over at Emma.


"What, your kidding?"

"Why, Emma." He asked again, she crossed her arms. 

" Your choosing her over me, I'm your girl friend." She came and tried swaddling him, he pushed her away before uncrossing his arms.

"No Emma, no your not. Just go." He said walking away.

"Don't you walk away from me." She yelled pouting.  Lucas lifted his arms in defeat and came by my side with Max. He smiled down at me, as we all waved good bye to her, she stormed off. 

I laughed but then my side started hurting, like cramps when you laugh to hard.  Lucas and Dustin helped me into the theatre, and we watched the weirdest movie. Sitting beside Lucas, every now and then, looking up at him.

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