My beggining

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Michal Elliot neighborhood terror and lasting enemy my name and rival was Oliver Jäger, it began as a stand off with me and mikey back at the cabin now it's a small war between me a fairly new hunter and him a trained demon. He must be on the bottom of the food chain in Hell cause it seems like his fighting is very sloppy, even though mine is as worse i have at least an idea of how to weaken his connection between his demon body and his spirit. I was in my room and i was set up in the mirror looking at my tattoo on my chest, it was a skull not just a human skull it was a demon skull specifically his demons skull. To me it meant i own his demon now and thats just the beginning of what he did to me. I was staring and i could hear rambling downstairs, my family are talking amongst themselves i didn't care enough to listen in, my arm was sore for some reason like something was growing inside of it. I think it was my blades shifting and changing the blade is drawn now it cut through my skin but it was like that superhero where it was claws, but this..this was a way bigger claw, i look at it up close and a reflection alarms me. "Its nice to see you again." I turn around and see it was a figure at my open window, i was relieved that it was Sarah "I want to ask how you got into my window but that isn't a good question right now." She was the best friend to my fiancee "i came to drop by and see how you are doing." It was strange why she did that, but then again it was Sarah no one knows what her methods would be "and you would check on me in my room, which is my private area?" She looked innocent and smiled "so why are you here for real?" She knew i just needed the honest answer "Crystal had some troubles with her sleeping and i decided to come by and give you the news." She got around our houses faster than texts for some reason, besides that our technology wasn't something i wanted to rely on in keeping connections around town "i'll go to her place and help her out." She strolls away and i get ready to go outside in the night time, i jump out my window and grab onto the tree and i continue to make a decent down. Tonight meant something it was a couple days past since i proposed to Crystal and my 18th birthday is tomorrow. I walk to her house and i see that she is sitting down at a table on the porch "i needed you for dinner cause why not? And there is something i need to tell you when we are finished eating." I take a seat and we enjoy dinner together, we exchanged laughs and interesting topics of our life. She put her hand on mine and she told me that we have to plan the wedding soon "im more curious on the day we get married!" "We can call a wedding planner and order a small wedding, maybe five or six thousand." She never was into the big stuff for weddings as long as she had the right husband she would never complain. We finish dinner and slow danced.

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