A distant star

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Ghosts travel through limbo so what just happened with me and Mikey was questionable at best, i stepped through states of existence and even time. I wake up and see that Crystal is gone, nothing was left behind no trace or anything. Far off the fortress is complete within hours "is the child bearer here yet?" "As you asked lord." Crystal is brought in with shackles and robes "its good to see you again my love." "You better leave me and my child alone, or i swear to you someone will die." The figure reveals itself to be Mikey but perfectly healed "oh no worries until that child is born you are safe, for now you are my guest." The tension of violence was strong in Crystal "fine but remember what you say now." Mikey walks away "make sure she sees her quarters." Back to the apartment the room was empty and silent, until it was broken "where could she be? I know the answer to that question, she must be with Mikey. But im going to need clues on where." I get a call "hello?" "We need to talk." "Where?" "Be there soon" the phone hangs up, looks like this is going to be a hell of a day. Justinia came inside 30 minutes ago "we have problems here." "Yeah no shit a wedding is about to happen!" Mikey was planning a wedding in hell to secure his place with crystal "Within days she could be married to a demon and then use her for greater evil, so what we need to do is find a grub eater and squish the information out of him." "Like its going to be that easy, those days would go by fast and we aren't going to have enough time!" She looks at me "so you are admitting you lost without even fighting?" I felt someone cross from realms "all we know now is that we just have to focus." "Yeah, we should get started then." The view was horrific and it smelt of decaying deer carcass, Crystal laid in bed and sung softly to herself "a wedding from two men is going to be difficult." Mikey comes in "well well well, looks like you are warming up to your new home." "Michal what are you saying?" He grinned "our plans for the wedding are coming through as planned, you, me, and the child will be together just like we always wanted." "You wanted, not me YOU." "Its not like that baby." He gets closer "not at all, you and i had something together." "That i lost when i moved on from you." He has a hard time keeping cool "I said i was always going to be there with you, or there for you. Where is your fiancé? Right not here to kill me again." He gets closer and into kissing range of Crystal "one more?" She turns her head away "no" he backs up and leaves. Crystal sits down "Find me Oliver, please." The forest was luscious and white, it was snowing for weeks and i could always have a fun battle in the snow. The Dark eaters called to me "Shadow, we are glad to get to you again but this is urgent, we are sensing power in a fortress not too far from here, if you get to it now the force will emanate on your arm, signaling that a person of importance is nearby, go north! Quick shadow!" I tell Justinia "North! That might be where Crystal is!" We dash north for a couple miles until we see this heavy building in the middle of no where. "Seems like the place to hold out for a while, until we came to mow these dirt eaters down." "Well put." I was so ready to drop in and say my hellos and murder everyone there, my scythe is hungry, and i'm dying for a good kill. Here we come Mikey now its just your beating heart and me i grinned so devilishly that it scared Justinia, now this was personal.

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