Chapter 1

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It all started when my mom got a call from the hospital saying that my dad had been hit by a construction truck. But before I tell you about that let me tell you about me. My name is Ellie, and I am sixteen. I live in Los Angeles, California. I have lived here with my mom, dad, and my 14 year old brother David for as long as I can remember. I use to have a sister but she died when I was 10. My life has been amazing up till this point. But this is just a milestone in the road. Is it? Now let's get back to what happened to my dad.

We arrived at the hospital and I sat there in the cold chair thinking about everything in my life. It took an hour to even find out what room he was in when we got there. I sat in my chair looking around the room seeing the stories of the others written on the walls. These pictures tell stories that I can't quite figure out. I turn to see my mother in the corner crying and weeping. I try to reach out to her but she pushes me away. Leaving me there alone. So, there I am sitting on the floor in a dark corner thinking of all the things that could happen. What if he goes into a coma? What if he becomes paralyzed? What if I lose him?

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