Chapter 28

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~Ellie's POV~

It's been two weeks. Two weeks since Christina was in the hospital. We still don't know if she okay but we do know she's alive. She's been out cold the whole time. She woke up once but passed out again. I've been watching the kids since Shay never leaves the hospital. I've tried to convince him to go home but he won't listen.

"Aunty Ell?"

"Yes Kevin?"

"Where's mommy and daddy?"

"They're uh on vacation. They'll be back."

"Oh. I miss them."

"I do to bud. Hey want to go get ice cream?"


"Let me go get Uncle Cam and Your sister."

"No! Legs go alone and leave them."

"What? That would be mean though."

"I know but it's funny."

This child is so devious. He's exactly like Shay. His sister on the other hand is so nice, but will beat you in one second. When Kevin messes with her she plans her revenge. But when he goes to tell she acts all innocent and funny. I've seen her. The other day we were all hanging in the living room and Can and I went to the kitchen. I peaked around the corner and he took her doll and drew a mustache on it. She took his action figure and tied a ball to it and threw it to the neighbors dog who chewed it up while she cleaned her doll. when I asked her what happened she said he was playing with the toy and ball and threw it and the dog got it. Ot was so funny.

"Fine but don't tell them we went there okay?"


We drove to the ice cream place and he got chocolate and I got cake batter. I was gonna get Cam and Kartlin down but I remember that they went to the zoo without us. I got so mad I went and got Kevin a new action figure. So we basically were having a war between each other. To see who can be the best babysitter. So far these kids have gotten more toys than Christmas and been everywhere they could imagine to go to as a kid. We finished our ice creams, and left.

"So who do you think is a better babysitter?"

"Defiantly you."

"Awh thanks."

"No problem but Uncle Cams taking me to a race track tomorrow."


"Yea so he gets more points if I have fun."


We got home and they saw us.

"Where were you?" asked Cam.

"What's on your face Kevin?" asked kartlin.


"No." then she smelled his breath.

"He had ice cream! You got it without us!"

"Only because you butts went to the zoo without us!"

"Yea because you bought Kevin a new toy!" yelled Cam.

The kids went to the kitchen.

"What didn't you get me any?!"

"Shut up!"

"No. Wh..."

"Come with me."

We walked to the kitchen and over heard Kevin and Kartlin.

"The plan is working we're getting what we want! They don't even suspect it." said Kartlin.

I told you she was devious.

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