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Me: ok it's story time.

Ash: what do you mean?

Gary: don't we still gotta finish never have I ever?

Me: for 1 you know what I mean and for 2 we will finish the game after you tell story, or(>=3) ill put you both in maid outfits!!!

~Both Ash and Gary hug each other in fear~

Ash/Gary fine we'll tell!!

~Everyone looks in on direction to see the memory~

~Memory: Ash and Gary were in the midst of a battle while up above team rocket's balloon hung above~

 "what the heck am I reading and why can I put it down" said Jessie.

"Ooh let me see," James said snagging at the book.

"That's not a good idea".

"Why not," he asked.

"Fine knock yourself out". After he finished reading book.


"It's a yaoi manga," said Jessie snapping at James.

"Do people actually do this"?

"Yes, Hmmm. Ha, I got an idea".

"What about how to get Pikachu."

"Oooooh tell me".

"Ok" the whisper the plan.

~back to the battle- Ash wins~

Ash: Ha.

Gary: you got lucky Ashy Boy.

Ash: right, anyway how ab...

Jessie & James in disguise: hello.

Ash & Gary: hi?

Jessie: we have an invention that will amp your Pokemon's power.

Ash: Hmm, how does it work.

James: you just put your Pokemon in this box and and yourself in the other.

Ash: this seems very familiar.

~takes Ash & Gary's Pokemon and put them in the box~

Ash: wait a sec.

~doors close~

Jessie: Prepare for trouble!

James: Make it double!

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation!

James: To unite all peoples within our nation!

Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!

James: To extend our reach to the stars above!

Jessie: Jessie!

James: James!

Jessie: Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!

James: Surrender now, or prepare to fight!

Meowth: Meowth! That's right!


James/Jessie/Meowth: NO!!!!

Ash/Gary: let us go!!!

Jessie: ok.

James/Meowth/Ash/Gary: What?!?

Jessie: But, I promise you won't like it.


Meowth/James: OH NO YOU CAN'T!!!

~James throws manga~

James: that's way too far even for us!!

~Manga hits Ash And Gary's cage and slips thru bars, Ash & Gary start reading the manga~

Ash/Gary: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?????

Ash: Gary, I'm scared.

Gary: same ashyboy.

Jessie: you two down there are gon...

Ash: Nope!

Gary: can't make us.

Jessie: then say goodbye to your Pokemon.

Ash: fine say our punishment.

Jessie: I want you two to kisssssssssss.

Ash: OMG NOOO!!!!

Gary: WHY!!!

Jessie: Only way to get your Pokemon back.

~Ash/Gary Blushes~

Ash: well we gotta do it.

Gary: for the Pokemon.

Ash: for the Pokemon.


~Ash & Gary kiss. Meowth/Jessie/James pass out Jessie hit the lever, and Ash, Gary, and the Pokemon were released~

Ash: electro ball.

Gary: shadow ball.

~pokemon attack the balloon~

Gary: Ash?

Ash: yah?

Gary we never speak?

Ash: agree.

~back to the future~

Me: uhhhh.

Serena: darn you team rocket!

Me: it's uh getting late we should probably get to bed.


May: Drew!

Drew: sorry.

Ash: r-right.

Dawn: we better see more Pallotshipping or I will kill you!!

Paul: can I help.

~Ash & Gary pass out from embarassment~

Me: Ok, I think its time for bed, BYE, see you next part.

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