Ursula's Fish And Chips

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Maleficent heard a knock on her door so she answered it. Mal stood outside with her new friends.

"Hi, Mom. Can we have some money to go to the chip shop?" Mal asked.

"Are you hungry?" Maleficent asked as Mal's stomach rumbled. "Give me a second." Mal's face turned red. Maleficent opened a small box and handed all the money to Mal. "You need to give me $20 in return, Mal. Who are your new friends? Where's Uma?"

"Me and Uma aren't friends anymore. I met Carlos while we did our Cruella prank and he introduced me to Jay and Evie. These guys are way better than Uma. Can I stay at their house tonight?" Mal asked.

"That would be amazing." Evie hugged Mal.

"It'll be a lot of fun." Jay tried to persuade Maleficent.

"Please." Carlos begged.

"Of course you can. I don't care. You can stay there for a week if you want but if you stay there for more than a week, you're grounded."

"Thanks, Mom. Bye." Mal and Maleficent shared the same smirk. They raced to the chip shop. Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos quietly entered the chip shop. They saw Uma with her back to them, watching TV. "Guys, grab a tray and I'll start throwing food at Shrimpy. If I need backup, give me some." The others nodded and spread themselves out around the chip shop. Mal threw the fish fingers on the tray next to her at Uma.

Uma turned around furiously. "Mal! This ends now!" Uma immediately threw her chips at her. Mal was able to duck. Jay threw a small tub of mustard at her. "Couldn't stand coming alone, Mal. Scared of me?" Uma teased her.

"Scared of you? Why would I be scared of someone who screamed and ran away when shrimp was dumped on her? You're the daughter of Ursula." Mal started laughing with her friends.

"You have more? I mean, I have more friends than you. This is Harry Hook and Gil." Uma introduced her new friends and the people she was sitting with cheered.

"I have three friends, you have two, and you just said that you have more friends than me. Get a brain." Mal rolled her eyes at Uma.

"Actually, I have a whole crew. I have four more friends." Uma crackled.

"Shrimpy, we're better." Evie threw a plastic bottle at her.

"I highly doubt it, love. Uma is Captain." Harry stepped in and threw the bottle back at her but Evie ducked.

"Just admit that Mal is more ferocious that you." Carlos threw a handful of chips at Harry and Uma.

"I'm way better than Mal!" Uma shouted.

"Who's the baddest of them all? I guess we're finding out tonight!" Mal shouted and the food fight started. Evie, Jay and Carlos gathered as Mal started walking to the middle of the room with Uma, not knowing that their trays were empty. As they reached to their trays, they noticed that they were empty so they signalled for their teams to stop. "You win, Shrimpy. You work here, right? Serve us." Mal signalled for her team to sit down with her. They grinned and sat with her.

"Uma, don't." Harry whispered to her.

"If I don't, my Mom will fume." Uma walked over to the counter and came back with her notebook and pen. "What do you losers want?" Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos whispered for a minute before Jay ordered for them.

"We'll have a large portion of chips with ketchup and four waters."

"That'll be $20." Uma held out her hand for the money. Mal slammed it into her hand. "Your food will be with you shortly." Uma stormed off.

"That was a good food fight. I've had better ones." Carlos said.

"Really? Tell us your best one." Mal was eager to know.

"Evie and Jay were there with me. It was at Ruth Hearts' ninth birthday party and every kid on the Isle was invited. Evie had an argument with her and Ruth starting throwing food at her so to defend our friend, me and Jay threw food at Ruth. All of a sudden, everyone at the party were..." Carlos was interrupted by Uma placing their food on the table.

"Enjoy your food." Uma said sarcastically.

"Carry on, Carlos." Jay said with a mouth full of chips.

"Ok. All of a sudden, everyone at the party were on Ruth's side. Three against, like, twenty guests and Ruth. In the end, Ruth begged for mercy so three kids beat twenty one kids in a food fight."

"It was so funny seeing Ruth, on her knees, begging for mercy." Evie giggled at the memory.

"How come that one was better than the one that just took place? Apart from the mercy." Mal asked.

"We are skilled in causing trouble and getting out of it. We were able to dodge nearly every piece of food that flew towards us. We weren't so lucky on this one. We're not dirty dirty but our clothes aren't clean." Jay looked at his shirt which was covered in food.

"Me and Uma would look like a family meal if we had food left on our trays when we met in the middle." Mal laughed.

"That would be priceless." Carlos giggled.

"Ursula probably would've grounded Shrimpy." Jay drank his water.

"You need money to repay your Mother, Mal. Ruth started the food fight so for revenge, we can steal her money so we can buy ourselves a better hideout. She makes a lot of money at her Moms stall so you can take $20 and we'll still have enough." Evie smiled.

"That's perfect, Evie. Revenge and repayment." Jay high-fived her.

"When we get back to the hideout, we'll play music from my phone. I'll turn on my speakers so it'll be a proper party." Carlos stood up. Mal, Evie and Jay joined him.

"Before we leave, I want us to have a team name." Mal stopped them.

"You're right. Every evil gang needs a name." Evie and the others pondered for a bit.

"How about VK's? As in Villain Kids." Jay said.

"That's perfect." Mal, Evie and Carlos said at the same time as they walked outside.

"Now, let's get the money and blow this popsicle stand." Mal said as they stood in a line outside of the shop.

Evie and Mal linked arms and started walking. Carlos wrapped his arm around Evie so his arm was on her left shoulder and his elbow was next to her right shoulder. Jay did the same to Mal. They got some glances from people but they were the VK's so they didn't care. They just glanced right back at them.

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