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"Mal's gone. She's dead!" Carlos kicked the side of the slide.

"She was a good kid. A great friend." Jay sat down.

"We might to be able to catch up to them. Come on." Evie slid down the slide. Jay and Carlos followed her. At the bottom, Mal was pinned to the floor by the executioner who was sharpening his axe.

"Mal!" Carlos shouted in tears. All of a sudden, Evie ran off.

"Evie!" Jay shouted but she kept on running. He looked at the Queen of hearts. "Please don't execute Mal. She's our friend."

"She's not just our friend. She's our best friend, a sister more like." Carlos stepped forward.

"Mal is a criminal. I know what you're going to say and everyone on the Isle may be a criminal but Mal doesn't belong here or in Auradon. She needs to die!" The Queen of hearts shouted.

"Jay, Carlos, it's ok. Live your lives with Evie and forget me. Go to the party tonight without me. She's right, I deserve to die." Mal smiled.

"No you don't and I'll be sure of that." Maleficent walked towards them with Evie.

"Maleficent! Your daughter is evil! She stole from my little Ruth and she slapped a fish in Uma's face! Since Uma is Ruth's friend, Mal will die!"

"Uma is Ruth's friend? That's a match made in hell." Maleficent slammed her staff down.

"Mal also continually harasses Uma, Harry and Gil." The Queen of hearts pointed to Uma, Harry and Gil.

"That's my nasty little girl." Maleficent smirked.

"Mal deserves to die! Me and Ruth sent Uma, Harry and Gil to kill her today but when we saw that they failed, we stepped in. Mal sacrificed herself to save her friends." Ruth slapped Mal hard.

"Three words, I don't care." Maleficents eyes turned green.

"You just got told!" Jay shouted.

"Snap, crackle and pop." Carlos said to Jay and Evie as he snapped his fingers together.

"How do you feel now? Not so tough anymore, aren't you?" Evie asked the Queen of hearts as she folded her arms.

"I may not be powerful enough to use magic but I can change the weather." Maleficent summoned a hurricane which sent Ruth, her group, the Queen of hearts, the executioner and nearly Mal to the other side of the island. Evie, Jay and Carlos were able to pull Mal away from the hurricane.

"Mom, can you open the doors for us? They're locked from the inside and I don't want to see the slide again today." Mal asked her.

"I can't use magic, stupid." Maleficent rolled her eyes at her kid.

"Oh. I guess I'm seeing that hell slide again." Mal was about to lead her friends to the slide but Maleficent stopped them.

"You can still have sleepovers, Mal. Continue living your life like nothing just happened." Maleficent winked at her. "You must be really smart to know how to harass Uma. That's my nasty little girl." And she walked away.

"What about our costumes, Evie?" Carlos reminded her.

"I've thought about it and I don't need to sort them out. I have my design book so I'll use that." Evie answered as they climbed up the slide. They walked into Jay and Carlos's bedroom.

"I'm so shocked." Mal said. They all looked at her confused. "I thought because we're villains, you guys would leave me to be executed, that you wouldn't even think of helping me. When I shouted Jays name when Ruth grabbed my leg, I was embarrassed because I felt like a coward but when Jay grabbed my hand, I felt something that I've never felt before. You guys ended up creating a chain and when Jay was safe, I really did expect you to let me go but you all helped me. I felt guilty letting you all waste your energy on me so I sacrificed myself."

"Aww, Mal." Evie smiled.

Mal continued. "I never expected you to come for me. I never expected Evie to get my Mom or for all of you to save me from being blown away. You three are my true friends. My best friends, my brothers and sister. That's what I felt, sibling love."

Evie started crying and she side hugged Mal. "Jay, Carlos, we're in this together." She and Mal invited them into the hug so they accepted the invite and joined in with the hug. They soon broke out of it. "We can't be separated anymore. I am now scarred for life." Evie giggled.

"I agree. How about we go grab some food? My Mom has started a new food stall today so she'll sell us some food." Carlos opened the doors and they all started walking towards the stall.

How They Met I: Villain KidsWhere stories live. Discover now