Ruth is back for revenge

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Mal woke up from Evie, Jay and Carlos shaking her. In the background was a lot of banging on the door and shouting.

"Guys, what's going on? Is Dumbo's Mom on her period?" Mal sat up in Evie's bed.

"It's Uma, Harry and Gil. They want you, Mal." Carlos dragged her out of bed.

"What do you mean?" Mal was confused.

"They want you dead, Mal. We have to get you out of here." Evie led them to a hole in the wall which had a slide attached to it.

"We're not letting them get you, Mal." Jay was about to go down but Mal stopped him.

"If they want me, they can have me." Mal sighed. "I mean, it's Shrimpy and a pathetic pirate crew. How much damage can they do to the daughter of Maleficent?"

"A lot. They're pirates for Petes sake." Carlos shook his head.

"Mal, one thing is for sure and that's you're not dying today. There must be a way to stop them." Evie hugged her.

"My Mother has a magical staff. Maybe she can help us." Mal pushed Jay down and followed him. Carlos went then Evie. It was a small slide so soon they all landed in a pile at the bottom. "Follow me." Mal led them to her house and she opened the door.

"Mal, what's going on, devil?" Maleficent asked as the VK's ran inside.

"Mom, Uma is out to kill me. I'm not joking, she actually wants to kill me. The son of Captain Hook and the son of Gaston are with her" Mal panted.

"Kill you? No one has dared to ever want to kill you. And no one ever will." Maleficent grabbed her staff, opened the door and stormed out. Mal, Jay, Evie and Carlos led her to their hideout. Uma, Harry and Gil were still banging on the door. "Uma! You're in big trouble!" Maleficent shouted.

"Maleficent!? We d-don't need any t-trouble. We were ju-just leaving." Uma said nervously.

"I know you want to kill my daughter! Not today, missy!" Maleficent slammed her staff on the ground. Uma, Harry and Gil screamed and they ran away.

"Mom, that was amazing." Mal hugged her.

"Mal, you know we don't do hugs." Maleficent pushed her away.

"Sorry. Before I forget, can I go to this party the Evil Queen is having tonight? Evie's her daughter and all four of us are going." Mal asked.

"As long as you're not going alone, you can go anywhere." Maleficent smiled at her and walked away.

"I haven't had the chance to sort out our outfits! I'll do them now." Mal, Jay and Carlos laughed as Evie ran to the door. "Wait, we always lock the door from the inside with the locks. How will we get in?"

"We'll climb up the slide. Easy as pie." Jay led them to the slide.

"You four stole my money!" Ruth shouted from a distance. They all looked and Ruth was running towards them. Luckily, she was wearing socks.

"Carlos, go!" Mal shouted and Carlos started climbing up the slide since he was in front of Jay. Evie followed him, then Jay, then Mal. Once Carlos was at the top, he grabbed Evie's hand to help her up. Mal's leg was just in reach of Ruth so she grabbed her leg and started pulling her down the slide. "Jay!" Mal shouted.

"Mal!" Jay grabbed Mal's hand but he was getting pulled too.

"Give me your hand!" Evie outstretched her hand for Jay. With some strength, Evie had a firm grip on Jays hand. "Pull us up, Carlos!" Carlos started pulling them up. It was working but suddenly, Ruth was stronger. Mal saw that Ruth had some friends pulling them down. Carlos was on the edge of the slide. The only thing that was holding him there was a handle that he was gripping onto.

"Carlos! Don't let go!" Mal tried kicking Ruth but Ruth grabbed her other leg.

"Come on, team! Pull!" Ruth was so close to getting Mal.

"Jay! Don't let go of me!" Mal shouted at Jay.

"I'm not letting you go, Mal! Don't worry!" Jay tried pulling Mal up the slide.

"Evie! Grab my foot!" Carlos shouted. Evie grabbed his foot so Carlos was able to use both of his hands to pull himself up. He grabbed Evie's hand again and started pulling. Evie was able to get up the slide so she and Carlos grabbed Jay and started pulling him up. Mal hands started slipping out of Jays so Jay tightened his grip on Mal's hand. Carlos and Evie grabbed his armpits so Jay could grab Mal with both of his hands. At this point, Mal had tears in her eyes.

"Jay! I'm scared! The Queen of hearts is out there with an executioner!" Mal screamed.

"Yes, Mal! For stealing, only you get executed so your friends will learn a lesson!" Ruth crackled.

"You're a psychopath, Ruth!" Evie shouted at Ruth.

"Leave us alone!" Jay looked down the slide to see Uma, Harry and Gil.

"Uma! Harry! Gil! Help us!" Ruth shouted to them. The trio pulled Mal and Jay down the slide.

"Don't let go of me!" Mal cried. With one more mighty pull, she would lose her grip on Jay's hand.

"I'm not letting you die, Mal! Evie! Carlos! Pull!" Jay shouted to Mal. Evie and Carlos pulled with all their might. Slowly, Jay and Mal were being pulled to the top. Jay was finally at the top and all three started to pull Mal up but the Queen of hearts and the executioner started helping Ruth so Mal was being pulled back down the slide. Mal screamed.

"Hold on!" Carlos grabbed her upper arms.

"You deserve this, Malsy!" Ruth looked at Carlos but he shut his eyes. Mal was slipping out of Evie's hands.

"Mal!" Evie tried releasing Ruth's grip from Mal's leg but Ruth grabbed her arm. "Jay! Carlos! She has my arm!" Jay grabbed Evie's leg with one of his hands and started pulling her up. Evie bit Ruth's hand so Ruth released her arm. Evie quickly climbed back up the slide and starting pulling Mal up. Jay, Carlos and Evie were getting tired now and Mal saw this.

"Guys, I've only known you for a day're my best friends." Mal released her grip on Jays hand and Ruth was able to pull her down the slide.

"Mal!" Her friends shouted down the slide.

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