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The group laughed at Evie, Jay and Carlos. Ruth slapped Mal in the face.

"Look, Mal. Your friends came to save you. Took your time." Harry crouched down at the edge of the pool.

"Are you ok?" Carlos shouted. Mal tried shouting but no one understood her.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, Mal." Gil laughed sinisterly.

"Ruth, cut the tape." Uma snapped her fingers and Ruth ripped the tape from Mals mouth.

"Jay! Evie! Carlos!" Mal shouted in happiness.

"Mal! We can't swim!" Jay tried swimming towards two handles which were suppose to help them get out of the pool.

"I'll save you when I get out of this rope!" Mal struggled to break out of it.

"Haha, you poor unfortunate souls. So sad, so true. This one wants to help her friends but these ones want to swim and live and do I help them? No of course not." Uma said then laughed. "Harry, help Gil with the lever." She demanded. Harry bowed and pulled the lever with Gil. A whirlpool started and Evie was slowly being sucked into the middle. Carlos grabbed Evie's hands and tried swimming.

"Carlos!" Jay shouted. Carlos looked and Jay had his hand outstretched for him. Carlos grabbed Jays hand and Jay tried pulling them to the surface. When he looked at Mal, her eyes were green again and she ripped through the ropes.

"I'm coming guys!" Mal ran towards Jay and grabbed his wrist. "Let go of the handle!" Mal demanded so Jay let go of the handle and Mal started pulling them.

Uma snook up behind Mal. "Mal, if you save your friends, you have to stay in here forever. If you let go of his hand, you are free to go and you can get us chucked into the ocean." Ruth, Gil and Harry mocked Mal behind her.

"Mal! I'm slipping!" Jay shouted so Mal grabbed him with both of her hands.

"Where does that whirlpool lead to?" Mal asked her.

"It's your turn, Ruth. "Uma swapped places with Ruth.

"It leads to the ocean." Ruth smiled. Mal smiled back and pushed her in.

"Ruth!" Uma shouted.

"You're dead now, Mal!" Gil drew out his sword with Harry.

"Switch off the whirlpool and we'll save Ruth." Mal smirked. Gil and Harry immediately switched off the whirlpool. Evie grabbed Ruths hand and Mal, Uma, Harry and Gil pulled them out. Evie, Carlos and Jay were snatched and had swords in front of their faces.

"What's my name? What's my name?" Uma sang.

"Your bark is much worst than your bite, Uma. Give me back my friends." Mal pushed her. Uma walked over to a box and pulled it over to Mal. She rested her elbow on it.

"Arm wrestle. If you win, they are free to go. If I win, we get to kill them." The VK's gasped at her deal.

"Also if I win, you have to promise to stop coming after us. I'm not getting my Mom to blow you away every single time." Mal crossed her arms.

"Easy deal, Mal. You scared?" Uma smiled.

"On three." Mal rested her elbow on the box. Uma grabbed her hen firmly.

"One, two, three." Uma counted down and they arm wrestled. Uma started to win and Mal saw the swords getting closer and closer to her friends's throats. Mals eyes once again turned green and she slammed Umas arm onto the box so hard it broke. The loud bang literally blew everyone away, even Evie, Carlos and Jay.

"Guys, let's go." Mals eyes were still green.

"How do we get back up to the tunnel?" Jay asked but then, he saw a ladder. "Carlos, help me with the ladder." Carlos and Jay carried the ladder to the girls and leant it up against the tunnel.

"Go!" Mal let her friends climb up the ladder first then she started climbing up. Uma and Harry ran towards the ladder and started shaking it. The ladder started falling so Mal jumped and dangled from the edge of the tunnel. Her friends pulled her up.

"We'll get you next time!" Harry shouted.

"What's my name, Mal?" Uma pointed her sword at her.

"Uma...just kidding, it's Shrimpy." Mal laughed and they ran out of the tunnel but the door was closed. "How do we get out?" They all had a few minutes of thinking.

"I know." Evie cleared her throat. "Magic door in the centre, open up for us to enter. Our home island which we adore and if you don't our hearts will sore." The wall opened and they all cheered for Evie. They stepped out and legged it for their hideout.

"We're home again." Mal locked the door.

"Jay, what did it say in the book about Mals eyes?" Carlos asked him.

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