The New Omega

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Chapter 6

Beverly's POV:

The wedding was quickly approaching throughout the month. They were already coming up with the date for it! Brandon has been very sweet lately, though. He's been doing things like treating me to dinner, taking me on walks, playing sports with me.... I still attempt to escape every now and then, but not as much as before. Although, I still haven't gotten one kiss.

I know it may seem early, but not even a peck? Most kisses happen on the first day. And come on! Who wouldn't want to kiss Brandon? With his gorgeous pink lips and soft brown hair. His beautiful olive complexion and strong jaw... I found myself falling into a daydream that made me completely zone out. Ugh! Why does he do this to me! It's not fair.

But, Damien has been warming up to me too. He's been calling me names like; "baby, gorgeous, sexy" everything that's good, really. But for some reason, I listened to Brandon. I only say "hi" to Damien, or just stay away.

But, apparently, we are getting a new member to the pack today. I heard people saying that she is weak yet smart. She was able to help us plan for battle against any unwanted beings and people.

I got dressed in ripped shorts and a hoodie as I shoved on my shoes and wandered downstairs with Priscilla and Boots following close behind. I was tip toeing down the stairs, until I stopped abruptly, because I heard voices.

Angelica's POV:

"I'm so nervous," I whispered to myself. I was a nerd that was young and weak, also a disgrace to wolves. I was good with math, science and English, but I had never had good strength or agility. I was in grade twelve and quiet.

 I wore a black sweater vest with a black, red and white pattern on the torso, along with a black kilt that matched. I paired all of it with my black flats. I had curly blonde hair, and my headband was currently pushing my bangs back. I was small and fairly thin, I didn't have the curvy body that many female wolves possessed. I was constantly putting my nose in a book instead of picking up sports and it often made people call me a "vamp" because apparently I was like them.

"Tis' alright Ms. Angelica." Newman said. He was the doorman for this pack. It was the strongest pack in the world. He opened the door, and I was greeted by a large amount of people.

"Hello Angelica. My name is John, and this is my wife Joan. We are Alpha and Luna of this pack. But, my son and his soon to be wife will be taking over soon." He smiled, and his luminous green eyes crinkled. He was tall as a normal Alpha, and wore an expensive navy blue suit, along with his wife who wore a matching colour. His wife had curly brown hair with blond highlights, and icy blue eyes.

"Nice to meet you," I smiled and shook their hands.

"This is my son, Brandon. He will soon be alpha." He then trailed off and whispered to Brandon, 

"Where is Beverly?"

"Oh she's-"

"Right here!" Someone said, walking into the open. A girl a bit older than me walked down the steps. She had a warm smile and straight blond-brown hair, not one of those hairs out of place. She had clear skin and baby blue eyes. She was pretty...

"My name is Beverly." She smiled even brighter, and stuck out her hand.

"Angelica." I smiled and shook her hand.

"This is our younger daughter Tori." Jonathan said. Tori looked exactly like her father. They both shared light skin, black hair, and luminous green eyes. She looked about sixteen.

"Hi." She smiled. I nodded shaking her hand as well.

"And our other son, Damien, is.... somewhere. Joan will show you to your room, and if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask." He smiled. His smile is comforting. I thought, as I followed the woman upstairs.

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