Chapter 28-Three hours is a long Time
Brandon's POV:
"Everyone who was inside the club on me everyone else stay in the trees."I said into the mic.We were following Silver into the forest about fifty feet away keeping up by their scent.We had about three meter spread and soon some pack memebers became a little unsteady by the blood curdling screams of Connie.
"Stop!Leave me alone!"She screamed.I noticed Dave her mate begin to shake uncontrollably up in the trees.
Dave if you want her to stay alive...stay back.They'll kill her if they know we're following them.
I said to him one on one in my head.I saw his head turn to me and he nodded.His jaw was set tight and his eyes glarring with anger.We kept up and soon came to a halt.I came close just to pear out.There was about eight demons and nine regular people and then Connie.We were probably outnumbered considering how strong spurs are.
I took a deep breath when I saw Connie.She had bite marks all over her skin and her veins began to turn black and pear out of her white skin.The bite was poisoning her.
"Let me go."She cried scrambling back.
"To late my dear."A guy said.He had short pushed back silver looking hair...guess he is silver.But for pure silver hair he was young.Maybe twenty six or twenty seven.He was tall and big...he was muscular through the expensive suit.
He reached into his inside jacket pocket and pulled out a silver box.He pressed a button and a door opened and everyone began piling in.Soon the door vanished.
We ran over waving our arms for the door but found nothing.
"Witches charmed it."Katalina said.
"Yea...but one very strong witch can break the spell."Damen said folding his arms.I knew what witch he was talking about and we had to get her.
The next day we stood in the same spot where the door was.Emma walked around slowly in a circle looking at the spot where the door was.She had a determined yet curious look on her face.
"There's magic here.I can feel it but..."She said angrily.
"But...?"Rodrick asked for her to go on.
"But...It won't be easy to break it.Whatever witches he got...there strong.One of them is about as powerful as me and he probably got four or five to do this."
"So what happens?"Angelica asked.
"I am going to have to contact some old friends and see if we can break this spell.In order to do this I have to figure out how to break it...Or at least send some people inside to grab the key and get out."
"Okay how long do you think?"I asked.
"About two weeks for them to get here and God knows how long for us to break the spell."She sighed.I crossed my arms angrily.
"Brandon they didn't kill her.She's alive they don't want to harm her."Marcy said.
"How do you know?"I asked.
"Because when we were talking to some girls they said all Silver cares about is keeping the princess Beverly healthy.He is trying to get her to feed on humans like a demon does."Amanda explained.
"feed?That's why he is taking the givers then?Givers are human so he is taking them now to make her feed on them."
"He took Connie..."Angelica said starring off into space.Everyone looked down and I looked over at Dave.He starred off his eyes were jet black and his fists were clenched so tight they were white and blood was coming down from his nails digging into his skin.

My arranged marriage to a cocky...Hot Alpha (Complete)
Loup-garouBeverly Rachel McAdams the typical fresh out of high school girl. She lives with her single mother, and cannot afford to go to college or university. One day she comes home from work to find a hot stranger in her living room who expects her to marry...