Chapter 25-Never thought I'd be Drugged
Beverly's POV:
I was out cold while they took me to their hideout-I'm guessing-.And when I woke up I was still strapped to the table that was in Morgana's clinic but I was in a room.A white plain and boring room with nothing in it but a light over head.Surprising choice for demons.You'd think it'd be black...or red.
I looked around carefully to see if there was a door.It was probably behind me and I couldn't see since I was laying flat.I squirmed trying to get out of the cuffs because they were chaffiny my bare wrists.
"Hey!Is anyone there!?"I yelled.They're demons I am half demon half werewolf.Get at me you ugly Spurs.I kept screaming for someone until my throat became dry and raspy.And that thing or whatever it is in my stomach moved and it caused me to grimace and whimper in pain.
Finally I heard the door open.I heard footsteps and they're was a man who starred down at me,with two large spurs at his flank who just starred at my stomach curiously.
"How are you feeling my dear?"He asked rather pleasantly for someone who kidnapped me.
"Like shit."I growled.
"Why?Your dry,warm and not harmed."
"I'm thirsty,hungry,my wrists hurt from these cuffs,I have to use the bathroom and this table isn't the most comfortable thing I ever sat on."I snarled.
"Firey.You should do well."He smiled.
"Excuse me?"I snapped.
"You will soon find out.Okay we will transfer you to a different room so you can be fed,cleaned and everything else."
"Wait."I said as he turned.
"You must know what is wrong with me."He turned back to me with a smile plastered to his face.He wasn't old looking.Infact he looked like he was mid twenties.He had rather pale skin and golden blonde hair with very nice blue eyes to match.he wasn't muscular like Brandon but he was lean with some definition.He wore a very expensive looking suit that was a grey almost silky material.He flashed me a bright white smile with straight teeth.
"You are carrying the next generation.A new line a vicious demons."He said smiling.
"A child?"I asked still shocked.
"Children to be exact."and with that he left.Children?That means multiples...which means twins...triplets....quadruplets...Oh God.
I rolled my eyes and laid back down and shut them tightly.Brandon's gorgeous sea crystal blue eyes popped up in my head and I sighed happily.And soon I heard the door reopen.A small woman came in she looked young maybe eighteen.She undid the cuffs and I sat up.She motioned me to follow her and I did.
Outside was pretty...mideval look to it,blood red walls with candles in black candle holders lit,the wood was a dark brown with a blood red rug on it,occassionally a few family portraits will come by or some tables with nothing on them.
Finally she opened a dark brown door that matched the it was a very nice bedroom,a large plush bed with a lot of pilllows on it,the furniture was all dark wood and the walls were a dark brown,there was a couch with some chairs and a small table inbetween them.She showed me the bathroom and handed me some fresh clothes.I showered quickly and let my hair air dry,I changed into the fresh clothes and walked back out.She gave me steak,chicken,bacon,veggies and potatoes and I gladly ate it all.
She motioned for me to follow her again and I did.She took me to a room that looked like a lab room with a table in the middle.Two spurs were there with the man from before,and a man in a white lab coat sat glued to the computer.
"Thank you Ariella."The man said.The young girl nodded and left the room.The man gestured to the table and I sat down.
The man from the computer came infront of me,he had hair that was pushed back,his skin had a light even tan to it,he had black glasses and he was quite small.he was skinny with no looks of muscle.
"Lay back,my dear."he said looking at the clipboard.what's with everyone and the "My dear" stuff?
I hesitantly laid back and looked around.He then got a needle filled with green liquid.and I quickly jumped off the table.I had a fear of needles and I didn't want any given to me by strange...yet a bit cute computer geeks.The spurs began to move on me but the man in the suit stopped them.
"No."He commanded.They inhaled deeply almost as if they were sighing but not letting it out.
"Beverly.This is not poison."The man with the suit said.
"Then what is it?"I growled keeping my eyes on the computer geek with the deathly needle.
"It is a stimulant to help you sleep."
"Sleep!?Your drugging me!?God who are you people."I exclaimed feeling my heart race.My body ached to change and rip every head off but I didn't.
"We have no aspiration in hurting you my dear.We are trying to protect you and make sure the prodigies that are being carried by you.Stay safe.Which means you must stay safe and healthy."
"You are spurs!Actual demons from hell!Like the demons that sit beside Satan!"I yelled.A flash of anger shone in his eyes.
"Shows you know nothing about our kind.Marcus."He said gesturing to the demon beside him.A angry face appeared on the spur as he came close and I growled barring my demon teeth at him.He almost smiled and grabbed me.That is when I shifted easily knocking him away.I felt the course of adrenaline and blood rush through my veins.It was a good feeling and made me happy.I growled barring my teeth at everyone and both spurs advanced on me.I knocked them away easily and that's when the computer geek pierced my neck with the needle.I screeched in pain.I may be overreasting but it hurt and it was in my neck.
I shifted back panting and becoming dizzy on the floor.I was lifted by the spurs and actually placed gently on the bed.I blinked hard trying to shake the wave of sleep that came over me.He pulled out another needle and that was when I passed out.
AN Sorry for the really short chapter.But I am very sick I have a very bad lung infection and I am beginning to get sports induced asthma,which is not good considering that I could be going to the olympics or to nationals for hockey.
So I am very sad and tired and achey and I am sorry.
I will try to upload other stories too.

My arranged marriage to a cocky...Hot Alpha (Complete)
WerewolfBeverly Rachel McAdams the typical fresh out of high school girl. She lives with her single mother, and cannot afford to go to college or university. One day she comes home from work to find a hot stranger in her living room who expects her to marry...