Ghosts of Fathers Past

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Ghosts of Fathers Past.

Beverly's POV:

I ran down stairs after leaving Brandon in my room. I had more important things to do than to sit there and make out with an amazingly good looking guy.

I went into the grand hall where Joan and John sat with a couple other werewolves.

"Beverly. I am suspecting my son apologized?" She asked and I nodded.

"Well let's try this then." She said walking towards me. I looked around for a dark corner in the room, I found one and stared into it. I just focused on my dad.

Silver-grey hair, expensive suit and then he was there. In his demon form...he smiled at me and put his hand up in a motion of a wave. I waved back.

"He's right there." I said while pointing to him.

"Okay, he's not there for us, try to think about him harder and he will be shown more. Think about his demon form...his teeth, skin anything." She explained. I closed my eyes and began thinking about demon forms. Their black feathery wings, wrinkled leather skin, black and red eyes, sharp teeth of two sets.

"Holy shit." Brandon said as my eyes were closed. I opened my eyes and numerous male demons were standing by my father. Everyone was wide-eyed so I am guessing they could see them.

"Dad?" I called. A demon came out switching into his usual form and fixing his suit.

"Ah, my beautiful angel." He smiled. I smiled back and turned to Joan.

"Well this is truly remarkable....My name is Joan and this is John." She said gesturing to John who looked at all of the demons cautiously but with some curiosity. I looked at Brandon's shocked face and smirked and his eyes met mine and I shrugged.

"And now who looks like an ass." I said.

"It is a pleasure to meet you both, my name is Dean. Ah, and this is the young man who killed me." My father said while looking at Brandon. Brandon shoved his hands into his pockets and shrugged.

"I applaud you. It is not everyday a werewolf kills a fifth form demon." He approved.

"Yea...sorry about that." Brandon apologized while scratching the back of his head.

"Tis' fine. I rather be able to speak to my daughter without evil around."

"But, you said you couldn't speak to me before because of evil."

"That is because you have closed off the demon underworld realm. Leaving me...and your grandfathers and my father...behind. We are not Wretched evil demons. We want to find peace in just living our lives and not causing distress." He explained.

"So who's grandpa?"I asked awkwardly while clapping my hands. However, a man who was about as tall as my father with similar grey hair and dull green eyes stepped forward.

"Beverly, it is a shame I never met you. I died when your father was eighteen." He said.

"Oh...Yea it would have been nice to have more family other than my mom." I said.

Suddenly each demon turned into a form similar to my fathers but with different coloured eyes or hair, other than that their facial features stayed the same. It's like a whole family reunion here.

"Dean...we would like for you to explain the...evil that is coming." Joan said.

"It is not demons that are coming my dear Joan and John. It is something being born. Something out of a horrid nightmare...more frightening and stronger than us." He said.

"Spurs." My grandfather spat.

"Spurs?" John asked.

"Spurs, they are the new form of demons. They are not one of the three usual demons, they are much bigger, more blood and flesh crazed and they have no mercy. The actual descendants of Satan; he is their creator -unlike us- we are descendants from hell creatures. Some bad some...not so bad." My father explained.

"How strong are these creatures?"

"Strong. They stalk the underworld realm killing any misbehaved demon; frightening them, torturing them and in the end the demons all come back to life. They are training for this world. To fight all creatures; wolves, witches, vampires, warlocks, elves...anything that stops them from running this world."

"How do we stop them?"

"We are working on finding their weakness. We fight back and we eavesdrop on them talking to the Death Lord."

"Death Lord? What is this? Star Wars?" I asked.

"He is the master of the Spurs. He runs them and commands them. Their commander."

"Have you found anything yet to help us?" Joan asked.

"So far we found they are immune to wood, fire, holy water, garlic and crosses. All the basic objects." My father explained.

"There is someone who foretold this day." My grandfather informed.

"Who?" I asked.

"Your grandmother. My wife, she is a witch. She saw the future so she may know what will happen. You must seek her out Beverly."

"Why me?"

"Beverly you are the ultimate opponent. Demons have been watching you. They know who your father is, who you were created by which makes you are immune to them. They can't hurt you. But you can hurt them." He explained.

"How does that work? You some type of big shot?" I asked while elbowing my dad.

"I lead the Wretched, Beverly. You're a descendent of a King; they can't harm you." My father said.

"But-and please do not take offence to're dead." I pointed out.

"You believe just because I am dead, I can't command my people?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I guess not. So, where is she?" I asked turning to my grandfather.

"Siberia, living on the border of a small town. You must go quickly, pack your things and leave tomorrow; we will watch your path for any dangers."

"Can I take anyone?"

"Take Brandon and another strong fighter. Keep the group small so you do not attract attention." 

"I have faith in you, my angel." My father said. Then they all disappeared leaving a small paper on the floor. I bent over picking it up, the address was written on the back.

"Who else will be joining us?"I asked with a smile.


"This is Landon. He is a skilled assassin. He will accompany you both and watch over you." John explained.

Landon was of a smaller build compared to Brandon and he was slim, he had brown hair and dark brown eyes. His face held no emotion and his lips were pressed in a firm line and his eyes darted around the room.

"You okay?" I asked him.

"Landon is a trained assassin." Brandon said while patting his shoulder and Landon met his eyes before breaking into a smile and taking his hand.

"Landon and fun." I said.

"Be safe. You leave in the morning." John said while patting my shoulder gently and then walking away.

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