A Pushed Forward Wedding

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A Pushed Forward Wedding

I waited in Brandon's room as he went to talk to the council. I showered and I was waiting on what they were going to do with Brandon's parents.

I tried my best to see it from their perspective of saving their family, but every time I thought about it anger would bubble in my chest. Who did they think they are? Selling a person like a piece of property.

Suddenly Brandon's door opened and he came in with his hands shoved into his jean pockets.

"Well?" I asked when he stood in silence.

"The wedding is in two months." He said.

"Two months?" I asked.

"Yes. My parents were taken from the throne because they attempted to kill someone of royalty."

"I'm of royalty?" I asked with a laugh.

"Well yes, you are my fiancé." He said a smirk coming across his face.

"But they're not going to be harmed?"

"No, because they are royalty themselves. They're just taken from the throne early."

"So, I guess we begin planning now?" I asked.

"No. First we go to a party then we plan."

"A party?"

"Yea, Damien is taking Angelica and I am taking you."

"Wow Damien is going for a good girl? That's surprising." I chuckled.

"I know right? Well go get ready we are leaving in twenty minutes." I nodded and went to my room as I went through my clothes there was a small knock at my door. I walked over and opened it and Angelica looked surprised.

"Uhm...I was wondering if you could help me." She said quietly.

"Sure. What is it?" I asked.

"All I own are kilts, pencil skirts, blouses, blazers and sweater vests. I don't have any "party" clothes."

"Well...you came to the right person. Sit down." I said gesturing to my mirror. She sat on the chair in front of it and I looked at her blonde hair that was in a tight bun.

"Okay first take this down." I said taking out her bun. It was always up. She had tight big curly blonde hair.

"Why do you keep this up?" I asked.

"It gets in my way." She said sheepishly. I tsk-ed at her and moved onto some light makeup to make her blue eyes pop.

"Okay...how do you feel about wearing leather?" I asked.


"Yep." I said simply.

"O-Okay..." She said shakily. I went into my closet and grabbed a white tank top that was covered in lace along with black leggings and a leather jacket. I walked back out and tossed the clothes at her and she caught them and then looked at them.

"Go change." I ordered pointing to the bathroom. She nodded and went in while I went to search for something myself. I grabbed out tight blue jeans with rips in them and a red velvet tank top. I tucked it in and the tank top had thin straps and a plunge v-neck that exposed my cleavage and torso, a small thread of fabric went across the chest so that it didn't fly open. I ran a hand through my slightly waved hair and smiled while turning to the door.

"Angelica just come out! It will be fine." I assured her. I heard her sigh in the bathroom and she finally opened the door.

"Woah..." I said. She looked amazing...her blonde, big, bouncy curled hair suited the whole outfit, the black heels made her look taller and like her legs went on for miles.

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