Plan Backfired

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Plan Backfired

As we knocked on the door I began to hear a ringing sound. It was began to get louder until my head began pounding.

The door opened and a young looking woman with laugh lines and slight wrinkles opened the door. She was my height with the same blonde hair my father and I had -although his darkened from the demon blood and he was mostly grey now- and the same blue eyes.

"Beverly, Brandon I have been expecting you." She smiled. Her voice was soft and charming. I saw a back corner in her room and my father and grandfather appeared. I made them able to be seen by everyone.

"Dean...Carter?" My grandmother asked.

"Beverly get inside now!" My father bellowed. Suddenly the ringing intensified inside my ears and it felt as if someone was ripping my head in half. When I went to walk a sharp pain erupted in my stomach. I looked down and blood poured from my stomach it dripped over my hands and I looked up and everyone was shot. I fell to my knees and looked around dazed...that is when everything moved fast and I was out like a light.


I woke up on cold cemented flooring. A sharp pain was in my stomach and I had a change of clothes on. I had on jeans and a white shirt, my shoes were left on and blood was on the ground some small dried spots were on my shirt but when I lifted my shirt a large scar swept across my stomach. I looked around and I realized my hands were chained. They were loose because I was back against a wall. I moved my hands and the wall didn't move. I began to hyperventilate and went to stand up but the pain in my stomach told me otherwise so I groaned and sat back down.

I focused on a dark corner until my father appeared.

"Where am I?" I asked in pain.

"What is happening to me?" I said while squeezing my eyes shut.

"Rogue wolves took you. Brandon's parents set you up. The Spurs want you, Beverly. They are using you as bait so they can be in peace. They sold you." He spat.

"What!?D-Did Brandon...?"I trailed off.

"The boy? No, he had no clue. He is looking for you as we speak. They took Emma, your grandmother as well. Brandon's parents have her in hiding and isolated so she can't use her powers. Brandon was kept in the dark." My father explained.

"Why does everyone keep selling me? I'm not a bag of chips." I whispered.

"Beverly, you must learn how to make us be able to move in your world. You can make us fight and do things. We can get you out of here." My grandfather explained. Suddenly I heard walking down the hallway.

"You have powers that you can easily unlock. You just need to feel it." He said before vanishing.

"Feel it? Feel what? I feel betrayed by everyone." I growled.

Brandon's POV:

I woke up not remembering a thing. I was back at home and Emma, Beverly's grandmother and Beverly were gone. I was trying to remember...trying to go outside and pick up her scent but it was no use.

"Brandon I'm sorry, she's gone." My mother kept saying. They were acting strange. Well my father was, he was always tense and he looked sad and pained whenever I talked to him about Beverly. I needed her back and I wanted her back.

I was searching for her for a week, when finally her father stood in the dark corner of my room.

"Brandon.I must hurry. Beverly was set up by your parents." He said.


"They paid rogue wolves to follow you and capture her. She is on the far side of the forest. They are going to use her as bait to lead the Spurs away. She is helpless, go into the basement there is a door by the freezer holding blood. Open it and Emma is in there she will help you. Go now and do not confront your parents. Hurry Beverly may not have much time." He said and I stood stunned. My parents did this? No way, they wouldn't do that.

But I moved anyways. My body moved for me. I quickly went to the basement and avoided everyone. I went to the cellar where we kept blood for any problems, whether we had injuries from fighting vampires or anything. 

The door blended in with the wall but I pushed against it and it opened. The room was pure white and empty. I walked in and was pinned to the ground by Emma.

"Relax I am not here to hurt you." I said as her grip tightened around my neck.

"Where is Beverly? What have your sick, twisted parents done to her?" She growled her eyes going white as her eyeball.

"I know where she is but I need your help. I had nothing to do with this. I swear."

"How do you know?" She asked her grip loosening a bit.

"Dean visited me. Beverly used her powers to do so. They are using her as bait for the Spurs trying to lead them away from my family. I had no idea what my parents were up to. I swear." I promised and her eyes turned back to a bright blue like Beverly's and she let me go.

"Let us hurry then. This room is made to stop my powers." She explained while walking out. I followed her and we went through the back entrance. Once we were outside she took a deep breath.

"My sisters, help me in search of my sweet, sweet child Beverly. My flesh and blood...I am calling for your aid." She chanted while closing her eyes and putting her arms out and palms up. Suddenly the wind blew strong and I heard whispers of an unknown language push through the air.

"We must hurry, she is directly ahead. The Spurs are coming." She said before taking off full speed into the forest. She had incredible speed and I shifted and chased after her.

I'm coming Beverly.

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