12. Jiren x Anxious! Reader

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(Y/N) stood upright on her bed with pillows stacked against her back pondering when she will be released from the mental hospital.

2 days. 2 days passed since she projected her presentation to her peers. She stumbled over a few words and they taunted her as a compliment. Her feeble heart could not bear with the embarrassment and so she black out.

(Y/N) landed in the hospital and the doctors caged her in the building saying she needed to recover before they can release her.

She loathed being tied to a bed inside a colorless room. In the bright side, she can avoid her peers. It was temporary relief however. While indulging in her foods or being detached from watching TV. Her peers clouded her mind. Her peers, her peers, her peers, her peers.

(Y/N) became obsessed with the thought and it haunted her day and night. She hoped nothing but for this thought to withered away. She hoped so.

"(Y/N), You've got a visitor," A doctor with a white coat and a clipboard notified her.

A visitor? Maybe it was her parents?

The door creaked open revealing someone who was not her parents. It was a grey alien wearing a red and black spandex masking his emotions with an expressionless face.

She didn't know him, but his uniform was a dead giveaway that he was a member of the Pride Trooper.

The doctor deserted them and the man took his seat in a chair in front of the bed.

"Wh-who are you?" (Y/N)'s mouth twitched.

"I am Jiren," Was all he said.

(Y/N)'s mouth parted almost asking him why he came here.

As if he reader her thoughts, he said, "I've visit patients here everyday,"

"Why did you came to me of all the-"

Jiren silenced her, "The doctor informed me that you had a panic attack. You stood out from the others who have more severe mental illness than you,"

"O-Ok? I hope you didn't came here to get rid of my anxiety, that can't happen in one nigh-"

Jiren silenced her again, "You think I don't know that?"

(Y/N) rubbed her chin, "W-well, I hope you didn't came here to make me comfortable,"

Jiren frowned, "I've came here for a reason. I'm not leaving this room until my reasons are fulfilled," Jiren stood up and sauntered to the window his arms crossed.

"Even if it take you millions of years?"


"I'm going to leave this hospital anyways,"

"You're not leaving either,"

"You can't-"

"The Pride Troopers own this hospital,"

"Do you do this to the other patients?"

"They are not as stubborn as you," He said with bluntness in his voice.

When (Y/N) couldn't retorted back, silence overcame them. Occasionally, (Y/N) would peer at Jiren's back wondering what would happen if she was stuck with him for millions of years? That'd be worse than confronting her peers.

"Tell me, what happened?" Her eyes glided sideways, "W-well, I kinda overreacted, but I fainted when my peers laughed at me during a presentation,"

"You did not overreact,"


"You. Did. Not. Overreact," Jiren enunciated each syllable to get his point across.

"Ok Ok," She shot her hands up in defense.

"You are really serious about this aren't you?"

"I wouldn't be a Pride Trooper if I wasn't,"

Silence overcame them again. She occupied her time contemplating about his words of wisdom. She didn't overreact. The voices in her head tells her otherwise.  She could've handled the situation better. She didn't have to be whiny bitch and cry over petty little things. She could've toughen up and lash out her peers.

(Y/N) distracted herself with optimistic thoughts about anything, Anime, kittys, writing, reading, and many more! She soothed herself until the image of her peers popped in her head.

Instantly, She was on the verge of tears, "I-I change my mind, I don't want to go back," She clutched onto her blanket wrinkling it.

Jiren looked away from the window and at her, "They won't hurt you,"


"I will make sure they won't hurt you,"


"Stop over thinking," Jiren abandoned the window approached her. Woah! He's a lot taller than she anticipated.

Jiren instantly embraced her in a tight teddy bear hug.

"W-Why are you hugging me?" Her voice muffled due to her face being stuffed in his chest.

"I needed to,"


"Action speak louder than words, you didn't seem to believe my words," Jiren pulled away, his hands still resting on her shoulder.

"You don't seem like the type  who likes to be touched,"

"I only make physical contacts when it's necessary,"

"Oh. And about my peers-"

"I said they won't hurt you,"

(Y/N)'s eyebrows crunched forward. "Why are you always interrupting me?"

"You speak about many unnecessary subjects,"

Jiren continued, "You don't speak unless spoken too, don't touch unless necessary, and you don't delve in your desires,"

"What's wrong with wanting something? Isn't it depressing to do all the necessary stuff but not pleasure yourself?"

"Some people see the world differently from others,"

(Y/N) brushed Jiren's hands off and popped out of her bed.

She stretched and yawn in unison, "What do you do in your free time?"

"Mediate," Jiren looked at (Y/N) and stopped instantly. Something was off about her. He scanned her body up and down without the attention of lust.

"W-What are you looking at? You pervert!" She concealed her figure with her hands.

"Did you inflict the marks on yourself?"

"W-what how can you see-"

"Don't make me repeat,"

(Y/N) looked down at her arm and realized her sleeves slid up exposing her secrets.

"Um," She wanted to lie, but it was pointless since Jiren was an equivalent of a lie detector.

"Some by me.... and some by others,"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I barley know you plus it's not easy,"

"(Y/N)," A shock paralyzed her. He never said her name before. It felt weird... but it felt good when he name slipped out of his mouth.


The words bursted out of her mouth as tears dripped from her eyes, "IT'S NOT EASY OKAY?! MAYBE FOR YOU IT IS BUT JUST LIKE YOU SAID NOT EVERYONE SEE THE WORLD THE SAME!"

"I'm sorry," Her voice softened as she dropped to her knees, using her hands to concealed the tears.

"I'm sorry," "I'm sorry," "I'm sorry," (Y/N) chanted as she rocked herself back and forth.

Jiren knelt down to her level and coiled her arms around her as he pulled her to his chest and rested his chin on her head.

He didn't  want to halt the tears. The pent up frustration, anger, and other countless numbers of emotions are being expressed through tears. Through words. Through actions. Maybe someday she will expressed herself through him.

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