1. Jiren x reader x Hit Part 1

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After The Tournament of  Power and the restoration of the erased universe, The Grand Priest  builded a school in an unknown plant for the fighters who participated  in The Tournament of Power. Zeno said that he would allow the universe  who participated in the Tournament of Power to live, but only if their  mortal ranking increases. The Grand Priest believed educating the  fighters will make them more civilized and less chaotic which can  increase their mortal ranking level.

       The Grand Priest  notified the Kaioshins and they alerted the Hakaishin. The Hakashin  called the fighters and ordered them to pack up. The angels dropped them  off at the unknown planet.   

          Today was  orientation day. The Grand Priest called the fighters for the gathering  at the main campus. Each universes traveled like they were part of a  herd. The fighters were pushing, shoving, and gave each other stinky  eyes.

   All but a Universe 7  fighter named (Y/N). She walked with her eyes on the floor and attempted  to make herself unnoticeable by slouching and walking at the back of  her group.

   Ironically, she bumped to a girl with lime colored hair  and blue eyes who gave her a dirty glare.

  She snarled and rubbed both of her arms, "Ew, did you just touch me? I don't want to catch your ugliness."

   The girl shoved (Y/N) and ran to a couple of people who did the same until she landed on something hard.

    She looked up and saw a purple bald man with red eyes starting at her, it was Hit.

  She stumbled a few steps back, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

  "It's fine, " Hit interrupted. "I suggest you stay with me if you don't want it to happen again," He advised.

(Y/N) nodded and walked  next to him. The crowd walked until they saw the Grand Priest standing  at a tall ladder welcoming with a warm smile.

   The crowd conversed with each other for a few minute before the Grand Priest raised his hand, the crowd went silent.

  "Welcome, everyone to the School of the Multiverse!" He welcomed.

   "If you haven't notice, I gathered all the fighters because I notice the tension between all of you,"
   The Grand Priest looked at Toppo and Vegeta who were growling at each  other. They noticed the Grand Priest looking at them, they cleared their  throats and turned their attention to the Grand Priest.

  The Grand Priest  continued, "As I was saying, I noticed the tension between all of you  and it concerned me. This is why your universes have a low mortal  ranking level and why I suggested to Zeno- Sama to erase universes. But I  will give you all an opportunity. Prove that you are worthy of living  by befriending, bonding, and anything that will create peace between the  universes,

   "To finish off, I will assign your room number and your roommates who each will be from different universes.

  The crowd bellowed, most reacted negatively while some didn't care.

  (Y/N) was scared,  being the most hated fighter alone with Goku, she didn't get along with  anyone except for Hit. She has been known for throwing cheap shot,  knocking fighters off while being undetected. When the Tournament of  Power was close to ending, while Goku and Jiren were fighting again, she  hid in the shadow and hidden her ki so Jiren couldn't detect her. When  The Tournament of Power was over, she revealed herself causing Universe  11 to lose because her team had more fighter. Now every universe,  especially Universe 11, hates (Y/N).

     The Grand priest raised his hand and the crowd went silent again. He picked up his scroll and began reading out the names.

   "Son Goku, Caulfia, and Bergamo.

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