5. Dyspo x drunk reader

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"All Pride Troopers, please report to the lounge room, again please report to the lounge room, thank you," The voice echoed throughout the ship.

'Huh? What does Toppo want? Is it an emergency?' (Y/N) wondered.

She forced herself off her bed and  was on her way to lounge room until a familiar voice called out to her.

"Hey (Y/N), wait up!"

She continued walking and turned her head over he shoulder to see Dyspo, her best friend dashing up to her.

(Y/N) looked at Dyspo, "Why should I wait for you? Oh! I see, you want to be the first one to make it to the lounge room and can't accept the fact that I will be the first one to make it,"

Dyspo stopped instantly and gave her a cocky smirk, "Is that a challenge?"

"You bet!"

Dyspo right leg stepped forward while the left leaned back.

In a mere second, they both  sprinted to the door. So close to each other that their feet collides every few moment and elbowed each other in the ribs.

"CHEATER!" (Y/N) pointed at Dyspo.

"Huh? You're the one who elbowed me!"

"Did not!"

"Did to!"



(Y/N) and Dyspo's head met the door, enough force to burst the door open. Dyspo fell on his stomach as (Y/N) landed on his back.

They both grunted, a pair of feet walked towards them. It halted and tapped its feet.

They both looked up, Jiren was standing there with his arms crossed over his chest and a raised eyebrow, waiting patiently for an explanation.

(Y/N) spoke up, "Um, well you see, um, were um, racing to the door to see who is the fastest,"

Jiren sighed and dragged her up by her arm.

Dyspo frowned and whined, "Hey! Why didn't you help me get up?"

Jiren looked back at Dyspo, "Because you're a nitwit,"

Dyspo scratched his head, "I don't what that means, but that doesn't sound nice,"

(Y/N) giggled and help Dyspo to get on his feet, "Stop whining Dyspo, everyone else is already here so we lost,"

Dyspo pulled away from (Y/N)'s arms, "I'm not complaining, I was just asking a question,"

"Whatever," (Y/N) mumbled to herself.

"DYSPO! (Y/N)! Stop wasting time and get in the circle!" Toppo scolded.

They scuttered to the circle and sat around the big, round carpet and crossed their legs.

"Why did you bring us here, I have other stuff to do you know," Zoriay, who was sitting on Cocotte's lap said.

"Be a little more respectful, Zoriay," Cocotte glowered at him.

Zoriay squirmed, "S-Sorry,"

"Ahem," Toppo cleared his throat to attract their attention.

"I've brought you guys here because it's a very special day for one of our member,"

The others began to murmured.

"Is it someone someone's birthday?"

"Yes," Toppo confirmed.

"Who?" Dyspo ejaculated.


The Pride Trooper exchanged glances with each other, studying their body languages  waiting for one of them to give off any signs that they are the special one.

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