8. Grand Priest x reader x Jiren part 2

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    (Y/N) fluttered her eyes open and slapped a hand over head.
"W-what happened?" (Y/N) craned her head and scanned the whole room.

"Rest, (Y/N), you're still ill," Jiren who was sitting at the edge of her bed with his back facing her said.


"Rest," Jiren commanded

(Y/N) sighed and sinked further into the pillow.

"Jiren, how long was I asleep?" (Y/N) asked while staring at the ceiling.

"2 hours,"

"What time is it?"



"Jiren, I think I'm fine, I don't feel like sleeping,"

"If you don't want to sleep, then I'll make you,"

"W-what," (Y/N) attempted to scurry away, but Jiren scooped her up like an ice cream and cradled her in his arms.

"Jiren, why did you defended me?" (Y/N) raised her head.

"Don't ask any questions and sleep,"


"Sleep," Jiren pushed her head on his chest and towered the blanket over her.

(Y/N) attempted to sleep, but failed. The light int he room kept from sleeping. Jiren checked on her and she was still wide awake and turned off the light source. Soon, the darkness and the cool air seduced (Y/N) and submitted herself to the darkness.


She sat at a table with Jiren and his friends while her thoughts were detaching her from reality. (Y/N) was in love with two people and they loved her back. It was very difficult for her to chose, they both are capable of being in a relationship, but she didn't want to leave one of them heartbroken. (Y/N) felt like she should be one to blame if one of them becomes depressed and commit suicide. Maybe she should reject both of them, they will be heartbroken, but it was only fair or maybe they could share, but Jiren and the Grand Priest don't get along enough to make it possible.

If you choose the Grand Priest

(Y/N)'s thoughts were killed off when Goku called out to her, "Yo, (Y/N),"

"Hm?" (Y/N) glanced over her shoulder.

"The Grand Priest wants to talk to you,"

"W-why?" Oh god, he better not talk about last night, maybe he will giver her detention or rape her, snap of it (Y/N), he is not a rapist.

Goku shrugged, "I don't know, he just said he wanted to talk to you,"

"Ok," (Y/N) uttered and Goku returned back to his table.

(Y/N) twisted her head back and looked down at the table. She already knew Jiren was gaping at her and she knew what he was going to say.

"Be careful (Y/N),"

"Don't worry Jiren, I will," She assured him. The sound of the bell exploded in her ears as she glanced at the clock, school was over. (Y/N) got up to her feet and looked back at the exit door, she was ready.


She was not ready, (Y/N) studied the door in front of her and took note of every detail to forget why she really came here. What stood out was as the crack on the door, having flashbacks of Jiren slamming the door.

(Y/N) sighed and raised the palms of her hand place it on the smooth, wooden door.



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