Gun Point

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The eerie alley that was surrounding me at all sides was suffocating. I decided to take a shortcut home from work that night to save time and to give my mind a break from the day's events. But little did I know, I was being followed.

I heard a rock roll along the pavement behind me, the sound startling in the deafening silence of the never-ending night. It seemed to echo for what felt like eternity.

"W-who's there?" I stuttered. No answer. I wrapped my jacket tighter around me, the warmth of it keeping me company as I continue my path. I pick up my pace as a cloud covers the full moon, the only light source that I have. What a coincidence, I think to myself. The alley was dark and silent, the only audible sounds were my footsteps and the misty air that I exhale. My ears were ringing by the deafening silence.

Another rock gets kicked from behind me and I whip around, startled. My heart beating out of my chest at such a force that I felt sick. My breath hitches in my throat.

 It was dark and silent. In my ears, I could hear ringing. Another snap, this time right behind me. I whipped around, catching my breath.

In front of me was a man dressed in black, his face was covered except his eyes. They were dark and full of hatred. I shifted my gaze to his hand where a shiny silver gun was held. I immediately tried to scream and get away but he clamped his hand over my mouth and pressed the barrel of the gun against my forehead. Under its cold touch I was trembling, fear and adrenaline kicking into my system. All I could hear was blood pumping in my ears, the thumping of it drowning out all other noise.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He growled, his eerie voice sent chills down my spine.
"What do you want with me?" I mumbled once he pulled his hand away from my mouth. No answer. I squeezed my eyes closed, tears stinging them. My thoughts were racing, causing a headache to form. Please don't shoot me! Please don't shoot me! I yelled in my mind.

   Suddenly, the gun left my head. I opened my eyes to see the man in front of me turn away. He held up his gun and started shooting at something I couldn't see.
   "Step away from the girl!" It's another man. Is he here to save me? "That's the only time I'm asking." His voice was dangerous and threatening, a voice of authority. I looked under the elbow of the man in front of me and saw him. He was young, about in his early twenties. His dark blonde hair messed up, his police officer badge shining when the moonlight hit it. He had a gun in his hand, mirroring the posture of the man in front of me. The bad guy pulled the trigger and shot the police officer in the hand, making him scream out and drop his gun. Stumbling backwards, he cradles his right hand to his chest. He looks up at me, pain in his eyes.

The bad guy turned towards me again and clicked another bullet into place. My attention snapped back towards him, freezing me with fear.
"Oh, how I hate interruptions." He said menacingly. He placed the barrel of the gun against my forehead again. I closed my eyes, tears falling down my cheeks. Just do it already!

   I paid attention to my surroundings. The cold wind against my tear stained cheeks. The sounds of street cats in the alleys. I imagined my family. My parents staying up late, waiting for me to come home. The worried looks on their faces. I thought of my little brothers, the cute smiles they had, the sparkle in their eyes when I gave them piggy-back rides. I thought of my twin sister. How we used to fangirl over everything, how we did everything together. The thought of her brings more tears to my eyes.

I love you all. Was my last thought before everything went black.

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