Homeward Bound

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"Jordan! Jordan! Wake up!" I felt strong hands gently shaking me to consciousness.
"Help me! It's going to kill me!" I screamed, thrashing around in my bed.
"Hey, Jordan. It's ok, I'm here, shh." I began to calm down, losing the feeling of the knife in my chest. I opened my eyes to see Jay looking worriedly at my face. I couldn't tell what was going on, and I became so overwhelmed that I started crying. "Hey, hey, I'm here." He says, pulling me into a hug and rubbing my back soothingly. I let my tears fall freely, not bothering to hold them back.

3 minutes after crying into Jay's chest

I pull back to see Jay watching me with a concerned look on his face. I wipe my tears away and covered my face with my hands. I started talking under my breath, hoping that Jay couldn't hear.
   "What's wrong?" He asks me. I didn't hear him. "Jordan?"
I started rocking back and forth in a ball and kept saying "He's coming. He's coming."
"Jordan? Who's coming?" He asked while putting his hand on my shoulder.
I looked up at him. "I don't know. I can't remember. This dark figure. It's always attacking me. Always saying "I've got you now, you can't escape." It sends shivers down my spine. "Please don't leave me. Don't leave me again." I reach out and hold his hand. His cheeks turn a shade of red and nods.
   "I won't leave you." He says. Does he mean it? I sigh and let his hand go, breathing heavily.

Half hour later

I look up just as there's a knock at the door. The noise wakes Jay from his sleep. He looked so peaceful sleeping. His dark blonde hair all tousled up. Damn, he's cute! Wait stop, I've already had this conversation before. He's probably already taken.
"Sorry to wake you Mr Westwood, but I'm here to escort Ms Flair to her car. Her father's waiting downstairs." She says, like she's tired.
   "Oh, that's ok Dr Reeta." He politely smiles at the doctor and then looks at me. "Do you want me to come down with you?"
"Only if you want to." I reply with a shrug. I hop off the bed and walk towards Dr Reeta. We all start walking down the hallways, Dr Reeta in front and Jay behind, making me in the middle.

Once we arrived at the front of the hospital, I could see my Dad's familiar orange Audi A4 parked out the front. He was leaning by the drivers door with his sunglasses on. He was wearing red checkered shorts and a black shirt that said gangster on it. I couldn't help but laugh.
"Dad, you look ridiculous. Are you trying to act cool?" I try hiding my laugh but fails. He pulls me into a tight hug and gives me a noogie on my head. "Dad, Dad! Cut it out!" I laugh.
   "Mhmm!" My dad and I both turn and see that Dr Reeta and Jay are still standing there.
   "Thanks for looking after my daughter Dr Reeta. You too Jay."
   "It's no problem." Jay says while smiling at me. I blush and look down at my feet, making my long red hair hide my face from his view.
   "Make sure that she watches out for the stairs ok?" Dr Reeta says, smiling at me.
   "Will do!" Says my dad, making a solute and leading me to the car.
   "Wait! What about Jay?" I say while turning towards Jay.
   "It's ok. I have my own ride." He turns and points at a police car parked in the shade. My jaw drops. I forgot that he's a policeman!
"Are you gonna follow us home?" I ask.
"Am I allowed?"
"Well, I invited you, so yes." I smile at him and get into the back of my dad's car.

   And we are finally homeward bound!

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