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   I wake up early. The sun was shining through my yellow curtains, and into my face. I look over at the time and see that it's 5:25am. Great. I wanted to have a sleep in.

   When my mind starts to clear, I realise that Jay is still next to me. I'm on my stomach and my head is resting on his chest, my left hand under my head. I start to sit up, but then stop myself. Jay has his arms protectively around me and his hair is messed up. All of his features are stunning. He looks so peaceful when he's asleep. I smile and lay my head back down.

   I feel his strong arms hold me closer to him, like he was protecting me. I move my arm so that it's over his chest again and feel his warmth through his shirt. I close my eyes and wait for sleep to take me again.

Time skip

   I feel a warm hand caressing my cheek and my eyes flutter open. I see Jay smiling, his messed up hair spiking in all kinds of directions. I blush and reach up to place my hand on his cheek.

   "Morning." He says.
   "Morning." I reply, fixing his hair. He blushes a little and moves his hand to be placed on mine.
   "I've got a surprise for you." He says, his eyes alight with excitement.
   "Okay." I say, a little unsure.
   "I'm pretty sure you'll like it." He replies, getting up to the door.
   "Where are you going?" I ask, not wanting him to leave.
   "Well, I've gotta go back to my place to get changed. Also to get the surprise. You might wanna get changed as well. I'll be back to pick you up." He says and walks downstairs, closing the door as he leaves.

   I put on some dark blue shorts and an olive green shirt. I brush my hair and put it into a high ponytail. I then put on my favourite cap. I put on my joggers and walk downstairs.
   "Going somewhere?" I hear my mum ask from the kitchen.
   "Yeah. I'm going with Jay." I say, grabbing my green handbag.
   "Where to?" She asks.
   "I'm not sure. It's a "surprise"." I say, using quotation marks in the air. My mum laughs and says "ok."

   Not long after I spoke with Mum, Jays' blue ute pulls up in our driveway. I smile as I see him walk inside.
   "Hey, Abbi. Would it be ok if I steal Jordie for a while?" He asks, looking down at me and smiling.
   "Oh sure thing dear. But make sure that she's home by ten. Ok?" Mum replies, looking at me and giving me her sweet smile.
   "Yes Mum. I'll be back." I say as Jay holds my hand and we walk to his ute.

   We drive for what feels like forever, until Jay pulls onto a little dirt road on the side of the highway. He pulls the ute to a stop near a beautiful lake. There were lilly pads with pretty blue, purple and pink flowers coming out of them. There were little fairy lights curling around the willow trees like vines. The lights sparkling and bright. The willow trees were swaying gently in the breeze and the smell of fresh air filled my nose. This place is beautiful!

   Jay was watching from behind me, a proud smile playing on his lips. He was happy that I liked this.
   "So do you like it?" He asks me, his eyes bright and sparkling.
   "Like it? I love it! I've barely got words." I say as I run to him and wrap him in my arms. I catch him off guard and we fall to the ground laughing.

   He gets up and reaches his hand out for me. I take it.
   "Why thank you kind sir." I say in my most ladylike voice.
   "Anything for a beautiful lady like you." He says and gives me a wink. I blush and take his hand in mine. He leads me over to a little jetty on the side of the lake and we sit there, watching the evening sun begin to set. I take my shoes off and let my feet slip into the clear blue water. Everything was beautiful. The setting sun, the lake, the lights, and the person I love sitting next to me. Everything is perfect.

"I'll be right back." Jay says as he starts to get up. I nod and watch him go to his ute. "No looking!" He calls back to me. I laugh and turn away, closing my eyes.

I hear the creaking of his footsteps as he walks on the jetty towards me. I smile, my eyes still closed and facing the lake.
"No peaking." I can hear the smile in his voice as he stops behind me. I can hear that he places something on the ground. "Give me your hand." He says gently. I reach out my hand in the direction that he is standing and he takes it. He gently pulls me up. I keep my eyes closed until he tells me to open them.
"Ok, open them." I slowly open my eyes, looking at his features. In his right hand was a bunch of flowers. Beautiful blues and purples, reds and oranges. And every colour in between. In his left hand was a little art kit. Pencils, paintbrushes and paint.

My mouth was hanging open and I forced it shut. My face was beaming with happiness and I tried not to let happy tears fall down my cheeks.
"I noticed the drawings and paintings that you did on your walls, and they are amazing. And I thought to get you something special." He was smiling, obviously happy that I loved the gifts.
"They're wonderful." I whispered, looking up at Jay and smiling. I was so happy that I ran to him and wrapped my arms around him again. I was so full of joy that I thought that I would pop.

I thought that things couldn't get any more perfect until he grabbed my hand and led me onto the jetty again. We sat back down and we dipped our feet back in the water. He turns his body so that he's facing me and I do the same. There were sparkles in his eyes and he squeezed my hand.
"Jordan, you're the one who makes me happy. You make me feel like I belong. And when I first saw you, I have been in love with you ever since then. Every time I see you, I can't help but stare in awe. Every time you're close to me, I get butterflies. Every time I talk to you, I lose my words. You make me feel like myself. You make me feel happy. So I'll ask you this," he pauses for a second, building up the courage to ask me this question.

"Jordan Flair. Will you be my girlfriend?" I am lost for words. This is my dream come true. To be Jay's girlfriend. I reach my hand over to him and place my hand on his cheek. I smile and look into his dreamy blue eyes.


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