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   Jordan's POV

It was dark, and cold. There was no light, so I couldn't see anything. I started to feel my way around, trying to make sense of all of this. Of what was around me. Of where I am. I reach out, feeling everything that my hands can come in contact with, and crawl forwards. I hear a loud bang and whip my head around in the direction. There, is a large white doorway about 20 metres away from me. All glowing and bright. I get up off my hands and knees and walk cautiously towards the light.

   "Where do you think you are going?" Said an eerie voice that has been in my nightmares every night. I whip around, trying to find where the voice had come from. I see two red eyes in the darkness, getting closer, and closer towards me. I scream and try to go backwards, away from this thing that keeps attacking me.

   What did I do to it, to him?

   The red eyes kept coming closer. Suddenly I was lifted into the air, my feet not touching the ground. I screamed and thrashed around. Moving my arms and legs to try to get away from this type of force holding me in the air. I screamed for help, but none come.

"Aww c'mon, you know that no one's coming to help you. Who would? I wouldn't. I'd let you die in front of me while I stood there laughing." Something reached out and grabbed my neck from out of the darkness and squeezed. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think, I couldn't do anything and I felt my arms flop to my sides. I felt my circulation being cut off. I used every ounce of strength to pull my arms up and try to break the grip on my neck. I desperately try to get air into my lungs but fails. I open up my mouth as if to inhale a huge gulp of air, but no air comes in.

"Jordan?" Whispers a voice somewhere in the darkness. I turn my head, trying to figure out where it coming from. I'm becoming lightheaded from the lack of oxygen that I'm getting. My vision is blurring rapidly, and I my chest feels like it's burning. Like there's a huge fire inside of me, trying to burn its way out of my body. I'm getting a massive headache and I know that my face is turning purple. "Jordan. It's me." I can hear the whisper, but I can't register who it is. Maybe it's just my imagination playing tricks on me. "It's Jay."

   Jay? Who's Jay? Come on Jordie! Remember!

   I go into this dreamlike state; getting vivid images of memories that flash before my eyes. Me with this guy in a hammock. Us at the BBQ. Me with the same guy in the kitchen, his hand on my cheek. Him by the side of my bed while I was in hospital. Jay. That's Jay. I try to say help, but no words come out of my mouth.

   I can feel my conscience slipping, getting further and further away from my reach. I try desperately to cling onto it. To save myself.

"Please come back to me." The voice said.

I felt a tugging on my chest, like someone's hands were there, pulling me. Please...let me breathe! I open my mouth and try to inhale air, but a strangled sound comes out. I was starting to see black spots in my eyes, and the corners of my vision were disappearing. Help me!

"Come back to me." The voice whispered.

There it is again, the tugging. This time it came from my mouth. It lifted my head up, and the force that was holding me in place was disappearing. Air was able to go in from my nose, but not my mouth, like it was closed or something.

I could feel a hand under my head and something soft and warm on my mouth. My vision was coming back, and I realised that it was Jay. Jay! He slowly pulls away and my eyes try and focus on his face. I realise that I'm in my room. I notice another figure in the corner of the room and see that it is Philomena.

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