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   It's Monday morning and the boys have to go to school. I helped them pack their bags and said goodbye with Mum walking towards the car and helped buckle Xav in his seat.
"Have fun at school today!" Mena says, waving at them through the car window. They waved back and mum drove the car away. "Ok! Now we get a day to relax." Mena says, just as Dad walks out the door to us.
"Nu ah ahh." He says, shaking his head and wiggling his finger at us. "I would like you two to do a job for me today."
"And what is that?" I ask, putting my hands on my hips.
"I need you to go to Bunnings and get some wooden planks for me. Oh! And some nails. Thanks girls!" He says as he walks over to his orange car.
"Wait! How many planks?" Mena shouts as he was about to get in his car.
"Maybe about six? Yeah, six. Thank you!" And with that, he gets in his car and drives to his work.
"Ok then. Maybe it's not going to be much of a relaxing day today." Mena looked a little disappointed.

We decided to wait for Mum to get back from dropping the boys off at school, and take her car. A red Toyota Landcruiser ute, since we only had two cars. I don't know why Dad chose to have the smaller car, when Mum doesn't even need to use the back for anything. When she finally arrived, we told her what dad wanted us to do. Mena and I both packed our little handbags with our wallets and said goodbye. We both decided that I was going to drive, because I'm a better driver, and got in the car. I started the engine and then we set out to go to Bunnings, to start our little mission from our father.

Once we arrived just outside the big building, I shut off the cars' engine. We both got out and started walking inside. I've been here so many times that I basically know where almost everything is. I told Mena to go find the nails, and I would go find the planks. I told her to meet me at the garden section when we both found what we need. We both set off in opposite directions. I walked over to the place where I know the planks are and I accidentally ran into someone coming out of that isle. I fall smack-bam onto my butt and a shot of pain shoots through my body.
"I'm so sorry!" The guy says, reaching out a hand to me. I take it. He helps me stand up and when I looked at his face I let out a gasp.
"Tyler?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.
"Yeah?" He smiles then laughs at my expression.
"Fancy seein' you here." I smile back. "Were you stalking us?"
"Us?" He looks confused.
"Yeah. My sister, Philomena? You met her at Woolworths. I was the one off to the side." I explain, hoping he remembers.
"Oh yeah! No I wasn't stalking you. I was getting some wood for my father. He's building a tree house for my best fiends' girlfriends' sister."
"Wow, that was a mouthful." I say. He smiles and looks around, as if looking for someone.
"Where is she?" He asks.
"Mena? I'll take you to her." I walk back the way that I came, Tyler right behind me.
"Sorry to ask, but what's your name?" He asks, just as we round a corner to where Mena just was. I could just see her go to the isle next to us.
"Jordan." I say, sharply turning around another corner to the next isle. Mena was there, looking up and down the sides. In her hand was a packet of nails. "Hey! Look who I found!" I shout to her. Her head snaps up, as if I scared her. Her jaw drops and walks over to us.
"Tyler?" She asks, uncertain.
"Yes, that's me." He smiles at her, making her blush. "And you are Philomena?"
"Yep that's my name, don't wear it out!" We are all trying not to laugh, when it hit me, I still need to get planks for my Dad.
"Um, would you guys like to help me with the planks please?" And with that, we all walk to get the planks. We get six of them and walk to the big counter. Mena was about to pay when Tyler interrupts her.
"Let me." He says, smiling down at her and handing his money to the cashier.
"But Tyler, you didn't have to do that for us." Mena says, blushing and reaching out to take two planks. Tyler and I also take two. I take the nails as well. We walk out to our utes, and Mena and I were about to put them all in the back of ours when Tyler spoke up.
"Let me help take these home for you." He says smiling at Mena again. They look at each other and Mena blushes. I'm looking between them, making heart eyes.
"Thanks Tyler." I say, putting them in the back of his red and black Ford Raptor ute.
"No problem." He says, smiling. He's such a gentleman, I thought.
"C'mon Mena, we've gotta go." I say grabbing her hand to come with me. She yanks her hand away from mine.
"Actually, I was going to go with Tyler." She says, looking over to Tyler and smiling. I felt a shot of pain go through me. I thought that she'd go with me, but apparently not. A hurt look settled on my face, and I think that she saw it. "If that's ok?" She asks.
I quickly hide the hurt expression, and replace it with a straight face. "No, it's fine. Tyler?" I call over to him.
"Yeah?" He calls back.
"Mena will show you the way home." I turned back to Mena, only letting my eyes show my hurt. I think she saw that too. She tried reaching out to me, but I jerked away. "See you at home." I say, letting my voice crack a little. I quickly jump in the ute and start the engine. I quickly drive away before they have the chance to catch up to me. On my way home, it all came crashing down on me. I get that Mena likes Tyler, but I thought she'd come with me. I can't make her choose between me and him.
"I'll get over it." I say out loud, trying to convince myself that I will. It didn't work. I silently let the tears fall down my cheeks as I drive home.

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