Baby Giggles

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He continues to sleep in his room while I hurry to finish cleaning before he wakes up. I can faintly hear Grayson babbling to himself in his crib while he's suppose to be sleeping.

It takes awhile before he gets aggravated and starts crying for me to come get him. Finishing the disk in my hand I put it down before climbing the stairs to extract the crying baby from his room.

He sits happily on my hip as I walk him down to the living room for the rest of the day. I lay him down on one of his blankets before giving him a stuffed animal for him to play with while I put the last few things away.

In between the clatters of dishes against each other I can hear him squealing at the toy. Once everything is done I go back around the couch to see what he was doing.

My happy little baby continues laying on his back chewing the ear of the puppy before I take it from him for a minute to see his reaction. He looks at me confused as I hold it above him. Gently I bring it down to touch his nose making him smile.

He smiled!

I do it again just to make sure I'm not imagining things. At this point anything is a big deal for me about him. He is my world now.

I continue doing it just wanting to see him smile and giggle at the puppy. His happy smiles and giggles are interrupted as Dad brings home As from a training session. I can't keep up with it and dad has a police officer friend who is training him. As seems to be enjoying it and the things he's being taught are going to be helpful.

"Hi, big puppy," I say as he comes over to us on the floor being careful of Gray.

"Hey, guys," dad says leaning against a couch watching us.

"What's up," I ask skeptical he doesn't usually come in to drop him off.

"Nothing just wanted to see the little dude," he says slipping off his dress shoes and jacket to come sit beside me in the floor.

He starts pulling for the toy before I make it tap it nose again getting a smile.

"Whoa, smiling already? You're not allowed to get any bigger," dad tells him laughing at him as he now chews on the puppy again. I lean against him as all my tiredness has added up without enough sleep to dent it.

"You Okay," he asks putting an arm around me.

"Yeah," I yawn in response.

"Tell us if you need any help, we're not too far away," he says taking his arm from around me.

"Yeah, I know," I say knowingly. I need the help I just don't want to disturb anyone else's schedule with Gray's schedule.

"I mean it. Don't run yourself into a wall," he says looking concerned.

"I will if I need you guys," I tell him.

"When, not if," he says a little stricter.

"Okay," I say turning back to gray before taking the puppy and making him laugh again which makes me smile.

"Bye, Gray Gray. Bye, Annie," he says putting on his jacket before leaving.

"Well that was a day well spent wasn't it," I say to Gray in a baby voice as he looks up at me.

"We got a smile, a laugh, and a visit from grandpa," I say excitedly. He pushes the puppy towards me like he wants to play again. It gets too cute so that I have to get a video of his cute little baby laugh and smile.

I post them to my private Instagram which is strictly family with a few friends also in my followers. We all use it for ridiculous reasons but it's fun and keeps us connected when ones away from awhile or like Gray and the kids just growing up to fast for all of the rest of us to keep up with in person.

Putting my phone down we go on with the rest of our nightly rituals before Grayson is ready to sleep for the night, or as much of it as he can.

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