Annie Just Got Here

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Walking out of baggage claim I can already see Ryan waiting for me. As I get closer to him the more excited I realize I am about these few days. And how I'm dreading the days after.

"Hey, Stasia," he smiles taking the stroller from me to bring me into a hug.

"Hey, Ry," I say hugging him back while breathing in his distinct scent.

"Come on, let's go," he smiles taking the suitcases while I go back to pushing the stroller.

We quickly get into his truck trying not to get noticed even though not many paparazzi stand out in the Richmond Airport waiting for celebrities that don't come. I get in the back with Gray while Ryan drives the hour back to his house. It's fairly silent before Gray cries only for some attention. I happily give it too him before we pull into his driveway. I can see Kendall in the window with her brother jumping to look through.

I can only laugh at them as we get out and I take Gray and Aslan inside out of the cold while Ryan gets our suitcases.

"Annie," Kendall screams as we walk in.

"Hey, Kenny," I say as she and Liam hug my legs. "Hey, Li," I say to him as he looks up at me with a toothy smile.

I try to keep moving as Ryan comes in with the kids seeming to be attached to my legs.

"Hey," Cambrie smiles coming and taking Grayson's carrier out of my hand as the kids start to try and climb me.

"What do you guys want," I say crouching down to hug them.

They just laugh at me as I tickle them to make them.

I stand up as Ryan comes back in the room from putting our stuff away.

"Thanks," I tell him before he sits on the other side of Gray's carrier on the couch with Cambrie on the other side.

"No problem," Ryan says back studying Gray in his carrier. I know he's bound to be awake already.

"You can take him out. I'm sure he's sick of being in there," I laugh as him as I sit on the floor with the kids. They both come and try to sit in my lap.

Cambrie takes him out gently before Ryan announces it's time for the kids to go to bed.

"Daddy, please, Annie just got here," Kendall protests crossing her arms across her chest.

"I'll still be here, Ken," I laugh as she seems to be acting like I'm going to leave in the middle of the night.

"Come on," Ryan says picking up Liam and grabbing Kendall's hand to take them to bed.

"Good night, Annie," she smiles hugging me with her free arm.

"Good night, Ken," I tell her making me smile. "Night, Li," I tell him as he's in his dad's arms.

"Night night," he slurs as Ryan walks away.

Once there out of sight I get up off the floor it takes a little longer than it use to but I get up.

Cam laughs at me before I go and sit by her.

"Shut up," I laugh at her laughing at me.

"Couldn't help it," she says trying to muffle her laugh.

I end up laughing with her while Ryan puts the kids to bed for school tomorrow. Gray is surprisingly acting good and hasn't really cried yet. Which he shouldn't for his age but he still likes the attention it brings.

He seems fascinated by their faces as Aslan comes over clearly needing to go outside and not alerting to anything.

"I'll be right back," I say getting up and taking him outside for a few minutes while he uses the bathroom while trying to explore the new scenery.

I wait until he comes back to me standing on the front porch to go back inside. He walks past me back towards the guest room.

"You old man," I laugh at him as I open the door letting him in before going back out to the living room.

I go out and we all talk til Gray falls asleep while Ryan is holding him.

"I'll take him," I say as Ryan helps hand him to me. "Well, I think that's a night for us. See you in the morning, good night," I tell them as I walk away and Gray yawns stretching out one of his arms before cuddling back into me.

I walk back to our room before gently laying him on the bed before changing into my pajamas since he had been in his all day.

"Night, night baby," I say laying him down in Liam's old pack and play that had been put in the room before laying his blanket over him and putting his stuffed dog in with him. He stays sound asleep as I watch him for a few minutes before going to bed myself.

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