Dinner and a Plane

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"Shhh, Gray please calm down your okay I promise, babe," I whisper trying to make him fall asleep while walking back and forth in our room bouncing him.

"Baby, I know your tired," I tell him kissing his head as he continues refusing to fall asleep.

"Do you wanna sleep with momma again," I ask giving into his wants. I line up pillows on the opposite side of the bed than what I sleep on before laying him down with his blanket and stuffed animals.

I lay down beside him closing my eyes and almost immediately falling asleep before he grabs at my face.

"No, Gray, it's bed time," I tell him laying him on his back pulling his blanket over him.

He grabs up like he'll find something before grabbing his puppy and bubbling with it before falling asleep.

"Thank you," I sigh closing my eyes to fall back to sleep.


Our flight today was scheduled later thankfully as I was spending as little time in Louisiana as possible.

I somehow wake up before Gray does letting me soak in the silence. Along with the sweet face of my baby. I know it's going to be a tough few days ahead of us but looking at him so peaceful and calm makes me think I can get through it.

I brush my fingers over his few tuffs of brown hair. Before he starts to wake up.

"Good morning," I whisper as he grabs his hand out for me. "Hi, Grayson," I say putting my pointer finger in his grasp. He brings his hand and my finger to his mouth clearly hungry. "I need my finger back if you want to get fed, babe," I tell him laughing as he looks up at me with bright eyes.

I take my finger from him before taking off my shirt to feed him. Once he's latched on I look around the room at everything I still need to pack.

Once he's finished I change his diaper before walking out of our room. Someone had put Aslan out thankfully as I had slept in a bit.

"Good morning," I tell Kendall as she sits on the floor watching TV.

"Good morning, Annie," she says smiling back at me.

"Where's mom," I ask her as she sits up.

"Her and Daddy are in the basement," she says still smiling.

"Okay, I'll be right back," I say as Gray starts to get fussy in my arms. "Do you want to be put down," I ask him as he starts grabbing at my shirt. "I'll be right back, can you watch Gray for a minute," I ask Kendal and her eyes light up before I grab a blanket and stuffed animal from our room. I put him down on the blanket before giving him the animal.

"Remember be careful," I tell Kendall once more before going to find Ryan and Cam. "Hello," I ask as I walk down the stairs.

"Hey, good morning," Ry says bringing me in for a side hug while him and Cam stare at a closet full of boxes.

"Good morning," I say still in his grip.

"This has got to be the worst part," he sighs still staring at the closet.

"I bet," I lean into him.

"Doing this for you use to be one of my favorite things though," he says grinning at the memory. I can only force a small laugh.

"All of his stuff is at my house so unless we come home early a small first real Christmas," I laugh thinking about it and how great it could be to be home for Christmas.

"Well, I know you'll make the best of it," he grins at me before finally letting go.

"I'll try, no promises, Luc is a pretty big jerk," I laugh as we start walking back upstairs.

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