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"So just sign here and you'll be all done," the nurse instructs me as mom gets Gray into his car seat.

"Okay, thank you," I tell her putting down the pen and going back to his room to pick him up. "Ready to make a run for it," I joke walking in the room.

"I think so," Mom laughs as we pick him up and make our way out. Soon enough we get back home and put Gray down for a nap in his own bed which he seems to like a whole lot better than the random ones he's been in for awhile.

Mom runs out to get somethings from their house to help me with him for the night while he sleeps.

"Knock, knock," I hear Connor say from the door.

"Hey, what are you doing? You said you'd call," I ask walking over where they had just walked in the front door.

"Sorry, I didn't think that it would matter so much," he says taking a step back.

"It's okay, he's just not suppose to be around a lot of people yet," I tell him remembering the protocol the nurse told me.

"Oh, so should we not be here," he asks concerned.

"Your fine, I just would have liked to know before you came," I try to tell him gently.

"Your sure you're okay with us here," he asks making sure to it's okay for them to be around him.

"Yeah, you should be fine. The chemo just affects his immune system," I try to explain it knowing he'll understand the science of it.

"Okay, so not a lot of playing," he tells Claire sternly.

"Okay," she says sadly realizing that her play buddy isn't going to be able to play much.

We go and sit on the couch while Claire runs to get some of her toys for the time being.

"Who's," mom says walking through the door before seeing them.

"Mere mere," Claire yells running up to her.

"Hey, babe," she says to her while putting her finger over her lips for her to quiet down.

"Shhhhh," she says putting her finger on her lips like mom had done.

She goes and puts her stuff in the spare bedroom.


"Bye, Clairie," I tell her as Connor holders her while standing at the door.

"Bye, Annie," she whispers clearly tired.

"Bye, Babe, call me when you get home," I tell Connor after kissing him.

"Bye, Annie, and we will," he says before kissing me again before walking out to his car.

"Okay, I'm going to call it a night," I tell mom before heading upstairs to check on Gray one last time for the night.

"I'll come with you," she says getting up and following me to Gray's room to check on him.

He starts to wiggle around in his crib as we walk in making me regret coming in just a little bit though. Going over to the crib I just lay my hand on his back as he almost tries to push up on his hands.

"Shhhhh, your okay, babe," I tell him in a hushed voice to try and get him back to sleep. He flips over on to his back to look back up at us. "Or are you not," I tell him as his hands reach up for me. "Okay," I say giving into him and picking him up before walking into my room with mom behind me.

Mom continues to follow me while looking like she wants to talk about something, what about though I don't know.

"What is it," I ask her as I sit on my bed while putting Gray down on his stomach.

"What," she asks like she's confused.

"You want to say something. So say it," I tell her switching my view from her to Gray.

She sighs sitting on the bed while Gray wiggles over to her.

"I don't know," she says and I know she does know.

"You're not going to leave til you do," I tell her sternly.

"I just don't want to upset you," she says cautiously.

"Just say it mom," I tell her as it's really bothering her.

"I-I," she stutters like she doesn't know what to say. "I just don't want you to get hurt again," she says looking down and confusing me.

"What do you mean," I ask her the confusion clearly on my face.

"I just don't want either of you hurt," she say brushing some hair on Gray's head while he still has it.

"What to you mean by hurt," I ask starting to know what she's hinting at. "He's not going to hurt anyone," I say starting to get defensive about Connor.

"I know, and I know that's what we thought last time," she says clearly wanting to believe me but knowing it could go wrong.

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