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Connor's Pov

We had gone to Christmas Eve service with Anna's family before coming home. I put Claire to bed in what has become her bedroom in Anna's house. While she put Grayson to sleep for the night. 

She comes in while I get into bed and gets ready before coming to join me. I can see as she gets in bed she's shaking. 

"It's okay," I whisper to her rubbing her back as she lays down. She nods but continues shaking. I wrap my arms around her and pull her as close to me as I can. "It's gonna be okay I promise, love," I tell her trying to atleast comfort her enough for her to fall asleep.

She turns over and faces me before cuddling into my chest. I hold her tight to me till her breathing evens so I know she's asleep. 

"It's all gonna be okay," I whisper knowing what's going on in her head. She's over thinking everything without letting it out.


We had gotten up early and set up Christmas for the kids before waking them up. 

"Claire, Clairie," Anna says walking into Claire's room excited.

She rolls over to look at her rubbing her eyes. 

"Claire, someone was here," she says kneeling down beside her bed.

Claire looks at her confused before her eyes light up. 

"Santa," she says shooting up in her bed as Anna stands up.

"I don't know," she says getting Claire excited. 

"Let's go," she says jumping out of bed. 

"We can't go without Gray," I say as I had just been leaning on the door watching my girls. 

"Oh, yes, yes, yes, Gray Gray," she says happily going to his room. 

Anna laughs following her. 

"Gray Gray," Claire says in a quieter tone knowing he's asleep as she walks in. 

Anna goes over and rubs his back as Claire looks through the bars of his crib.

He stretches out his arms and legs.

"Gray Gray, Santa came," Claire whispers as he turns over and Anna gets him out. 

"Let's go, Clairie," I say following them as they leave then go down the stairs. 

"Wow," Claire says stopping on the stairs. 

"Go," I laugh at her as she had stopped half way down the stairs.

She runs down the rest of the stairs to the tree. 

We all go and sit on the floor around the tree with all of the kids stuff as Claire goes around showing us all the things left under the tree. Grayson sits up against Anna as she hands him different things that are his. He squeals at each he's given. 

"Daddy," Claire asks looking at me confused. 

"Yeah, baby girl," I say looking to her. 

"This says it's to you," she says and Anna gets a mischievous grin as Claire walks over to hand it to me. 

"Hmmm, I didn't ask Santa for anything," I say looking over to Anna. 

She shrugs while pulling something out of it's packaging for Grayson. 

I unwrap the small box before taking out a set of dog tags. One reads 'if found return to Anna Lawrence,' and the other two saying the same thing with both the kids names.

"You know it," I smile at her laughing while she smiles at me. 

"Thank you," I tell her leaning over and kissing her cheek.

"No problem, babe," she says smiling. 


"Let's get dressed, Clairie," Anna tells her while I go to get Grayson dressed before the two of us do so. 

"And let's get you dressed in what momma picked out," I tell Grayson as I carry him up the stairs. 

I get him dressed without much hassel. 

"Love you, baby boy," I whisper picking him up before walking into our room for me to get dressed. I set him on the floor while I pick out what to put on for the day. 

"Claire is down stairs," Anna says coming in and going to get her clothes.

"Okay, Gray is right there," I tell her as he looks up at her. 

"Hi, baby," she smiles at him. 

She gets dressed much faster than I was able to do. As she walks by me I'm able to grab her hand.

"Yes," she asks as I pull her back to me. 

"Merry Christmas," I tell her handing her what I had gotten for her. 

"I'm good," she smirks kissing my cheek before trying to walk away.

"No," I tell her laughing and pushing it towards her.

"Connor," she says sassily.

"Anna," I tell her back making myself laugh. 

"I love you, that's all I need," she says kissing me before walking away to take Gray and go down stairs. 

I shake my head smiling before putting the small box on her side of the bed before walking out.


Grayson is passed around for the better part of the time spent with our families. I know it made Anna anxious but being able to hold her all that I wanted seemed like a good trade to me. 

We got back and put the kids to sleep before we climbed into bed as well. 

"Connor," she laughs picking up the box I had set there this morning. 

"You gotta at least open it," I laugh back at her as she just holds it. 

She sighs getting in bed next to me before pulling at the paper. Slowly enough she opens the box to reveal the ring I had chosen for her. It was silver and split in half to have two names and two birthstones on it. I can see her breathing quicken as she tries not to cry. 

I pull her tight to me as she starts crying.

"Thank you, love," she whispers looking up at me and I can see the tears in her eyes. 

"You deserve it," I tell her as a tear slips out of her eye and I wipe it off her face. I just hug her tight to me as she starts crying into me. 

"What am I going to do without you," she whimpers. 

"I don't know," I laugh trying to make her laugh. "You do great on your own. I'm just here to watch," I tell her petting her hair down. "I love you so much. So so so so much, baby," I whisper into the top of her head. 

She keeps her arms around me and we both eventually fall asleep holding eachother. 

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