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My mom meets us at the hospital for them to run another test on Gray to see just how advanced they think the cancer could be.

"Hey, travellers," she laughs walking into the waiting room.

"Hey," I can only slightly smile at her trying to be funny before looking up at her.

"Figured you might need this," she says handing me a Starbucks coffee.

"Thank you," I say taking it before taking a sip. Of course right then they call us back to an exam room.

Mom grabs Gray in his carrier while I try to drink some more of the coffee and grab his bag before following them back.

The nurse puts us in a room before leaving us to wait for his doctor.

"Hello, baby," mom says taking Gray out of his carrier as it will probably take awhile. "Has he eaten yet today," she asks holding him.

"Yeah," I simply answer as nerves kick in about where we are and what's going to happen now.

"Hello, Grayson," the doctor comes in shutting the door behind him. "See, we've brought back up today," he jokes seeing mom with him.

"Yeah," I laugh some out of being tired. Gray slept most of the way home so he was up most of the night.

The doctor takes Gray from mom to check his lungs while I chug the rest of my coffee.

"Okay, you did great Grayson," the doctor says resting him on the exam table. "So, to find out how advanced it is we're going to have to take a sample which we'll have to put him under," he tells me keeping a hand on Gray as he tries to get away.

"Okay," I breathe having no other choice then to do what he says.

"Which means he might have to stay a little longer just to make sure everything is okay once he wakes up," he further explains.

"Okay," I nod my face blank in fear and concern.

"Have you talked to his father," he asks and I know hes going to want his family history.

"Not since I got full custody but I can try," I tell him willing to put everything else aside.

"The more family health records we have the better," he says picking up Gray as he was getting frustrated.

"Okay," I sigh.

"We're going to go ahead and put you in a room and the anesthesiologist should be there soon," he hands him to me as a nurse comes in.

"Okay, thank you," I say following her out with mom following me.

She puts us in a room before i have to take Gray down to only his diaper. Making him cry.

"You can't be cold babe," I laugh holding him to my chest slowly calming him down as I can only pace back and forth in the room. "You're gonna be okay," I whisper to him trying to calm myself down.

A nurse comes in and puts a mask on him to calm him down before putting in an IV. Once he's calm i have to lay him down and then, with the help of a nurse, hold hin down for them to place the IV.

"You're okay, Gray," i say my heart achibg at his cryibg befite he calms down and they take him for the procedure.

"Sit, Ann," mom tells me as I fumble with my phone in my backpocket.

"In a minute," I mumble finally getting it out. I find Lucas's mom's nunber still in my phone and I know she would know more than he would.

"Hello," she answers clearly not happy with me calling.

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