Happy Birthday

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I keep Gray sitting on my hip as we walk into the camp building that we had decided to use for his birthday 'party'. Of course it wasn't much of a party but I had put everything in me to make sure this party was perfect incase it was the only one we got to have with him, even if it was his first. 

Everyone had chipped in and helped with different things like the decorations, food, and other things. 

He had another treatment in two days so this was going to be the last time he'll be around a lot of people at once for another stretch of days or weeks. It'd been narrowed down to my mom, my dad, Connor's mom, Connor, and Claire. She didn't like him, or wasn't very interested, after she found out he wasn't allowed to play the way he did before. 

"Hey, baby boy," Mom says meeting us as we walk towards the building. 

He smiles at her before leaning his head on me tired and ready for a nap from the exhaustion that the doctor's visits had on him. I was an adult so it was clearly easier to hide and help my exhaustion rather than his. 

"You can't be tired," she laughs taking him from me which I don't mind knowing he'll be sick of me once I have to hold him for his treatment. Mom continues walking and goes in while I answer my ringing phone. 

"Hello," I answer not check before to see who it is. 

"Hey, Annie," Ryan sounds like he's smiling from the other end. 

"Hey, Ry," I smile and laugh back at him. 

"I just wanted to call to tell you and Gray to have a good birthday. We wish we would have been able to make it out," he says. I had sent an invitation knowing Kendall was in school and they probably wouldn't be able to make it. 

"Thank you and we will at least try, he's already starting to get tired. And it's okay, we understand why you couldn't," I stop for a second swallowing the lump in my throat, "hopefully there will be a lot more," I try to grin while not thinking to much about the subject. 

"There will be. GO have fun and remind Gray we love him and we're all praying for him," Ryan says and part of me wishes he hadn't.

"Thanks, big brother, I will, love you guys too," I tell him before he replies around the same thing before we both hang up. 

"Hey, Momma," I hear someone yell and I already know who it is. Not many people would yell it over to me except for him.

"Hey, Babe," I yell back to make him just as uncomfortable as I was. 

He laughs getting Claire before meeting me. 

"Love you," he reminds me like I don't already know before kissing me. 

"Love you, too," I tell him before we walk in. 

Not many people were invited but enough to fill the space we had comfortably. 

Claire goes and runs around before mom comes and returns Gray to me as he fusses.

"You're okay, baby," I tell him trying to bounce him in my arms. 

"Hey, Gray Gray," Connor calmly talks to him and the combination calms him down faster than I could have done by myself. 

I lean back on to Connor while Gray leans into my chest. 

"This is your party you can't fall asleep, mister," Connor tells him grabbing his hand which makes him open his eyes a little to look at him.

"I don't think he's as excited as you are," I laugh at Connor standing back up straight to let my baby sleep if he wanted to. 

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