Something Off

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"Hi, Gray Gray," mom says as we walk into their house.

Maddie comes over as I set him down to take him out of his car seat.

"Here we go, bubba," I say setting him on the floor before Maddie watches and follows him as he crawls away.

"Bye," I laugh as they head on their own adventure before I sit down with mom.

"Hey, momma," mom says as I sit down beside her.

"Hey, mama," I smile next to her.

"How's everything going," she asks and I know I have to tell her the truth.

"I'm not sure, something's off, but I just don't want to be worried for nothing," I tell her honestly usually it takes us awhile to get to meaningful or useful things but I just can't handle that today.

"Just keep it in your mind and tell the doctor the next time he has a check up," she tells me while I start leaning in to her.

"Okay," I yawn as she wraps an as arm around me.

"Love you, baby," she whispers as I close my eyes tried from nights past.

"Love you, too, Mama," I tell her before Gray starts screaming making us both jump up to see what's going on.

"Shhhhh, babe," I say scooping him up in my arms. As I look at him he's got a cut on his forehead that's lightly bleeding.

"Mads, what happened," I ask her trying to calm him down.

Looking over mom is hugging her to calm her down.

I bounce him walking to the bag I dropped near the door. Picking a blanket out of his bag before giving it to him to try and calm him. Slowly he calms down as I lick my thumb and wipe the small amount of blood from the cut.

"You're okay, baby," I tell him going to sit by mom and Maddie on her lap.

"What happened mad," mom asks her nicely.

She explains to her but I can't understand as she cries. Gray starts falling asleep as he holds on to my shirt.

"Okay, so Gray ran into the cabinet and you tried to help him," mom asks Maddie who nods.

"Okay, that's okay, you didn't do anything he's still learning, Maddie," she tells her as he falling asleep on me.

"Maddie he's okay see he's already taking a nap," I tell her laying a hand on her back while cradling Gray in my other.

"O okay," she stutters wiping her eyes.


"Okay, someone's getting cranky," I say picking Gray up before he can throw another toy.

"Okay, babes," mom says getting up and meeting us as we walk towards the door to put him in his carrier.

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