Christmas Eve

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Gray ends up on my chest through half the night to get him to stay calm. Lucas wouldn't have known as he never woke up until morning.

It was just after lunch and I was starting to get ready so I would have enough time with Gray.

I get into the shower quickly while he's asleep to get it done. It doesn't take me long to get dressed after in a top and pants combo. When I get out Lucas is holding him hitting me with anxiety while trying not to show it.

"Is he awake," I ask him trying to towel dry my hair.

"Barely," he says looking back at me.

"You probably want him to stay awake at least a little longer tonight so it's better to let him sleep now," I tell him before he puts him back into carrier I had him in before.

"Good call," he says smiling at me as I put the towel away.

I go and lay down on the bed trying to get a little extra sleep. My eyes flutter shut and I'm asleep for only a minute before I feel someone touch me. I know it can only be Lucas thinking it's nothing more I don't try to wake up til I feel him pry my knees apart.

"Lucas," I try to say calm as to only leave Gray sleeping.

"What, just a little holiday fun," he says jokingly as he puts himself between my legs while pinning my arms down.

"Lucas, stop," I bark as calmly as I can.

"I'm just doing my share if giving," he says trying to touch the zipper of my pants.

"Aslan," I tell hoping he'll wake up from his sleep. He does and latches on to Lucas's arm that was before pinning me down.

I grab Gray out of his carrier trying to shield him from what could happen.

"Get him off," he yells his face beet red.

"Aslan, down," I tell him making him let go before standing between us.

"God, Anna, look what you did," he says before following it with a string of cursing. "I'm going to the hospital and if you go anywhere with my son I'm reporting you," he says before walking out. Just then I can hear Gray crying.

"It's okay, baby," I try to calm him down leaning down to pet Aslan to show him how good of a job he did.

"Shhhh," I try to calm him down before grabbing my phone first getting an Uber to the police station before calling my dad.

"Hey, Annie," he says cheerily.

"We're coming home," I say briefly.

"What happened," he asks clearly walking away from something.

"He, he tried to do it again but As attacked him before anything happened. He just walked out to go to the hospital and I called an uber to take us to the police station," I tell him while trying to bounce Gray.

"Okay, are you going to get a flight tonight," he asks.

"Yeah, there's no other way to get home by tomorrow," I say honestly as he finally calms down.

"Okay, please be careful, Ann," he says meaningfully.

"We will as soon as this party is over we're on a plane back," I tell him knowing I can't let his mom never see him. She's such a nice woman she deserves to see him at least once.

"Okay, if you need anything call me, okay," he asks like it's a real question.

"I will, love you Daddy, see you soon," I tell him.

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