Chapter 2 "The Crying Beauty"

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Niall's P.O.V

"I'm back!" I shouted at the guys as I dropped the bag full of groceries on the table and dumped down into the couch with a groan. Who knew food shopping could be so exhausting, yet so fun!?

For the fifth time this day I checked my phone for new messages. Nope! She had not texted or called me. We had been texting each other a couple of times and even called each other but we never seemed to talk about dates although I really wanted to go out on a date with her. I kinda thought that I had asked her for a date once but it could've been the words "hang out" that had confused her.

"Should I ask her again? Would she even like to go out with me?..." I thought to myself as I couldn't prevent myself from thinking about her. Amery. The sound of her name and her angelic voice seemed to fit perfect together and made it even harder for me to forget about her. The color of her eyes had been so undescribably beautiful and her smile had left me breathless. It seemed so hard to handle so much beauty at once but I did it.

It had been a boring day for me as I just took a walk down the streets and dropped by the library.

"You should try to read a book, Niall... Reading is really fun!" Zayn had said as I asked him about books and reading. It was more his kind of thing. I guess I was just a part of the video game-generation as my dad called it. I had read one book though.... One book; To Kill A Mockingbird. Afterwards things had gone back to normal; I concentrated about my music and I didn't read for a long time. As told reading wasn't my thing. But hey... I tried anyway! That's what count, right?

Zayn had also said that I should try the fantasy deparment when I asked where you could find the good books. I just shrugged and followed his advice. Walking along what seemed like millions of bookshelves, I suddenly heard someone sniffling a little away from me. I furrowed my eyesbrows and followed the sound until I had found her sitting there in a chair with tears streaming down those beautiful cheeks and a open book in her lap. I gulped, amazed by her beauty and tried to calm down my massive urge to hug her and comfort her. I just hated when girls cried... It made me upset too. I collected myself and walked towards her unsure of what I should tell her when she asked what I was doing. Completely lost in my awkward rehearsing of what I should say I didn't see that she got up to leave and bumped into me as I was in the way. She dropped her book on the floor. Very smooth, you dork! I thought to myself. What a great way to start a conversation!!

"I'm sorry!" I said almost panicking that I had ruined everything but calmed down when I heard her sweet voice apologizing as well. We both kneeled down to pick the book up as I took it between my hands and handed it to her. She smiled and thanked me. That smile gave me a little boost of confidence as I smiled back.

I started to explain why I had walked over here in the first place. She listened, the sadness still stuck in those gorgeous eyes.

"So are you okay?" I asked. She didn't answer right away but finally gave me a small nod.

"Yeah... I'm fine" She said and gave me a smile. The smile didn't reach her eyes and that was what made me convinced that she wasn't alright. But I didn't dig deeper into it. It would probably just make it worse.

"Good" I said and gave her a little smile. She smiled back, making my heart melt.

"I'm Niall, by the way. Niall Horan." I said, thinking it would be a good thing to present myself. I extended my hand and she grabbed.

"Amery Parks" She smiled and shook my hand. Amery.... Such a beautiful name.

"But can it be possible that you've seen me before, Amery?" I added hoping she woudn't reckon me as complete stranger and honestly just trying to build up a conversation. She starred at me for a while. The hazel-green eyes studying me closely.

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