Chapter 11 "Unexplainable Anger"

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A/N: This chapter is the shortest!! Sorry if you find it too short and for the cliffhanger stuff but you know I got to keep you interested and amused by this story... There is nothing worse than a boring story!! Enjoy ;)

"Niall?" I whispered quietly to myself when I saw the tall blonde figure standing only a few metres away from us.

What was he doing here? Not that I wasn't happy to see him. I was always happy to see him but the way too relieved look in his eyes confused me.

"Niall!" I shouted and instantly caught his attention. He turned around and greeted me with a cautious smile. He walked towards our table, sat down next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Hey Am!" He simply said not even noticing the surprised look on my face.

He just kissed my temple gently before he turned towards Richard who was starring at Niall, his arm that was wrapped protectively around me and then back to me.

"Well... who is this young man?" Richard asked, sounding completely monotone as he spoke.

"Umm... this is Niall. My boyfriend" I said. He nodded, analyzing Niall who slowly stetched his hand out towards him. He didn't grab it all, but just continued starring at him. It worried me. What was it with him? Both of them seemed so tense... Did they know something I didn't?

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend, Amery" Richard said after a couple of extremely awkward minutes.

I opened my mouth to respond but Niall was quicker.

"Well she has... You probably didn't know because you never been there for her" He snapped but still with an sickening sweet smile on his face. Okay, now I was REALLY suspicious. What was going on??

"Niall" I said, trying to hide the confused look on my face. He just looked at me and shrugged before he turned towards Richard again.

"I guess you've talked to Daniel" He simply said, anger suddenly appearing in his eyes. Daniel... Dad? Why were they mentioning him? Where was his position in all of this?

"Yes I have" Niall answered harshly. The sweet Irish accent of his not sounding as loving as it used to.

"I better go then" Richard said, slowly getting up.

"No! I thought we were having a conversation here!" I said and gave Niall a angry glare.

"No... I-I better get back to... Yeah I see you some other time" He stuttered and grabbed his coat in a hurry before he left, his face red of anger.

I turned towards Niall and threw my hands up in frustration.

"Wh-What was that about?" I asked. He turned his head not even wanting to look at me after what he had just done. What was happening with him lately?? He was a completely different person.

"Nothing" He said. It only made me more furious with him.

"Nothing? Niall! You stared at him like he had killed someone! It's not like you to behave this way!" I said and tried to stay calm. I didn't want to make a scene. Not here, not now.

"Please tell me what's going on!" I said softly and placed my hand on his arm making him look at me for a second before he turned back at the floor again.

"It's nothing" He repeated. I pulled away from him and got up, feeling the angry tears sting in my eyes.

"Yeah that's right. It was nothing that you just ruined the only chance I had to find out more about my family" I snapped at him. He looked up, suddenly seeming sorry for his unusual behaviour.

"Babe, please... I'm sorry. It was just..." He started and tried to find his words... or just pick the right ones out carefully.

"I just don't know who you are lately... It seems like you're hiding something for me" I said letting the tears stream down my face.

He opened and closed his mouth as he starred completely numb at me.

"I'm sorry" He breathed. That was it. I couldn't take it anymore.

"So am I" I said as I pushed past him and walked out the door, just leaving him there.

As I heard his voice desperately yelling for me to come back I picked up the pace and started to run, the tears making everything blurry.

How could it all turn out this way? I thought Niall would help me solve all these mysteries about my past... I thought he would support me and motivate me to keep going. I thought he would be there to talk things through when I remembered or discovered something new.

But I had been wrong... and clearly way to positive about Niall's feeling for all of this. But what was it that had made him talk to Richard like that? And why... Why wouldn't he tell me?

It also confused me that he was bursting into the conversation the moment Richard had decided to tell me about his relationship with mom. All I wanted to know was what excactly had happened between the two of them and where my brother was.

Now I was unsure of if I ever got to find out and it just frustrated me even more...

Running around the corner I was so busy sobbing that I didn't notice the motorcycle driving towards me with full throttle.

Neither had I predicted the loud scream that escaped my lips when we collided. Pain was all I felt as I lay there, gasping and wheezing for air as I almost choke on my own screams.

"AMERY!" I heard Niall shout and he was with me in an instant. He stroke his hand through my hair and kissed my hand lightly as he reassured me that everything was going to be okay over and over again. I doubted it... It just hurted so much. And not even in just one spot but everywhere.

I briefly looked into his blue eyes watching them tear up. I forgave him for everything knowing that this could be the last time I looked into those eyes again.

Everything suddenly became darker and darker as my eyelids got heavier and felt myself disappear into unconsciousness....

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