Chapter 14 "Hidden Letters"

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Amery's P.O.V


"...Why are you always in the freaking way, huh? Mind your own business!!" He screamed at the boy, the anger and volume of his deep voice making him squirm but not able to get free of his tight grasp. Tearstains was visible on his rosy cheeks and his bottom lip was quivering.

"I'm sorry, daddy!" He cried.

"I'm not your daddy! I've never wanted any of you! Not you, not the other boy and not the girl!!" He screamed his eyes glistening with fury.

"She did this to me! Her..." He mumbled, looking distracted for moment. The little boy thought he had a chance to get free now and slowly started to remove his big and strong hands. This made him stir.

"You're not going anywhere!"

"I hate you! I want mommy! Where's mommy? Let me go!" He cried hopelessly the sound of his miserable cries making my heart drop. I felt sorry. I wanted to help, but I couldn't frozen in my position behind the wall and slightly confused at the whole scenario. But what else would you have expected of a 5-year old?

"Mommy!" I whispered feeling so alone and scared right now. Why was he treating Brandon like that? Brandon... My brothers name. Finally I remembered. My soccer-loving, protecting older brother.

"I'm gonna end it... All of it. All this pain... All this emptiness" He said and suddenly everything became incredibly blurry before a bright light coated the whole scenario. A loud scream was the last thing I heard.. The last sound I heard in this traumatizing memory.

I sniffled and dried my eyes off in my sleeve. He was gone. My brother... I never got the chance to see him. To know him. To tell him I loved him... To thank him for all the loving times he had been there.

"Princess?" I heard a familiar voice call. My deep thoughts had keeped me so distracted that I didn't hear the familiar jiggling of keys and footsteps I always resembled with Niall's arrival. I sniffled once again and looked up meeting his glossy eyes. He sat down on the floor next to me, not saying a word just pulling me closer and letting me sob into his muscular chest while he stroked his fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry!" I sobbed. Niall tightened his grip in me.

"For what? You haven't done anything wrong" He said sounding so genuine and honest but it was a lie anyway. I had done everything wrong. I had let my cruel stepdad take my brother away from me and along with that sat Niall in a hard position. Having to choose between his career or his girlfriend. It was all so stupid. And all my fault...

I just shook my head not capable of using words with the lump in my throat. He kissed the top of my head lightly.

"Don't worry. I called your dad. He'll be over in no time" He whispered in my ear.

"Am? Niall?" Louis' voice called worriedly as he saw us all curled up together on the floor. Harry was standing behind him nervously twisting one of his brown curls as he always did when the situation was too tense or awkward for him to handle. Zayn and Liam walked in shortly after eyes wide and mouths gaping as they were trying to process what had happened.

"The memory... She remembered it" Niall said kissing my cheek softly to calm me down. Liam and Louis joined us on the floor. Liam placed a hand on my shoulder and Louis on my back both looking emphatically at me.

"Y-You're okay?" Louis stuttered, clearly not able to think of something else to ask about. I pulled away from Niall to look at the other four faces starring at me.

"It's just too much" I croaked out.

"We know... but you're strong. Hold on. Meanwhile, we'll get some answers from that creep" Harry said referring to Richard. I shook my head vigorously.

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