Chapter 6 "The Founding of a Mystery"

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Amery's P.O.V

Why was I dreaming about my mom? Why was I in the dream? Why were we both crying? All these questions flew through my head as I woke up the next morning.

Dad had left and wouldn't be home the most of the day. Great! Now I couldn't even ask him about the weird memory. I knew it was a memory now. It couldn't be a dream! But why was I remebering this in my sleep? And why had I not been able to hear what the policemen had said to me? Couldn't I remember? I had only been 5 years old then so it wouldn't surprise me...

My phone buzzed and I reached across the table to grab it. It had been a message from Niall ticking in.

Hey beautiful! Wanna hang out? I want to see you!! xx

It lightened up my bad mood a little, but the frustration didn't leave my mind. There was something about this that concerned me. I didn't knew why but I had a feeling that there was more behind this.

I decided to call Niall. He picked it up after a minute.

"Hey Amery! I'm glad you called!" He greeted me and the sound of his voice just made me relax and let all my concerns melt away. How could he make me forget about the world so fast?

"Well I missed you so why shouldn't I?" I said honestly. I had missed him. When I sat in my room and thought about all this he was the one I wanted to be there with me. And comfort me as he always did.

"Aww! That's sweet!" He said and I could hear on his voice that he was smiling.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked and got up to go upstairs. Taylor was sleeping peacefully in my bed. Her blond hair looking like a mess.

She had came over a little while after I had arrived and asked if she could sleep over. She wanted to know if Niall and I were a couple or not. She had been rehearsing constantly with the dance troop the last couple of days and had only been able to text, call or skype me, as she was too tired to come over and talk.

She opened her eyes at the sound of my voice and starred groggily at me.

"What are you-" I cut her off as I placed a finger on my lips.

"It's Niall!" I mouthed. She instanly seemed more awake and walked over to listen to our conversation.

"I don't know... We could take to the mall. Go see a movie or something" He suggested. I thought it sounded perfect. I looked at Taylor getting a good idea.

"Niall, would be okay if I took a friend along?" I asked. Taylor started to jump around excitedly. I didn't know whether it was because she finally got to meet my boyfriend or a famous band.

"Yeah sure! I think the guys will join us as well so it's perfect. I'll pick both of you up soon okay?" He said.

"Okay, Ni... I can't wait to see you" I smiled. Taylor awwed quietly at me.

"Me neither, babe! See you soon" He said and hung up.

"Well... let's get dressed then!" I said. Taylor hugged me.

"I can believe you'll let me meet them!" She smiled.

"Well... it's not sure all of them are there. But you can hope right?" I laughed.

Taylor was only this excited because she had always wanted to meet a celebrity. And her crush on Harry was what made her convinced to go.

"What am I going to wear!?" She asked as she starred at the clothes she had packed in her bag. I just laughed at her again and soon joined her as we picked out outfits.

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