Chapter 5 "Lost Memories"

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Amery's P.O.V

The sound of a car broke the silence. But not a regular car. The sirenes became louder and louder as the police car came closer. It stopped driving when it reached a little home near a lake with crystal clear water. The police left the car and walked across the street to knock on the door. A little girl opened the door. Her long darkbrown hair swayed in the wind and a confused look were in her eyes. She seemed to be about 5 years old.

One of the policemen kneeled down and placed a hand on her shoulder. He started to talk but his voice was mute. Not one word he expressed could've been heard. The little girl continued to stare confused at the man but started to cry in silence as she finally understood what he was saying, tears streaming her face when he was finished. But what had he been saying? What had made her cry?

A tall woman came into the door opening and picked the little girl up in her arms, stroking her hair softly trying to calm her down. They started to tell her the same as she just starred numb at them. The sound finally came and I heard a echo when the policeman said;

"I'm sorry" He started to walk away and the woman placed the little girl on the ground again as She followed the policemen crying heavily.

"No! NO! It can't be true!" She cried trying to grab the policeman's arm.

"Tell me... Please tell me it isn't true!" She whispered. He just pulled away from her.

"I'm sorry" He repeated as they went back to the car and drove off, leaving the crying woman behind.

I woke up confused and tried to hold on to this weird dream. I'd had lots of dreams like this always the same people confusing me because I didn't knew them... Although they seemed so familiar. I had a weird feeling that I knew these people. That I had been that place before. It all seemed so realistic and I was frustrated that I couldn't push the deja vu feeling away. It just felt like that I had been through this dream before... More than once. I sighed, brushed the messy hair out of my face and removed the duvet on my body so I could get out of my bed.

I don't think I have to tell you my morning routine... I'm not that big a weirdo. It's not like that I brush my teeth with the other side of my toothbrush or eat my scrambled eggs with a spoon as I drink my orange juice from a plate. I do as everyone else do. Brush my hair and teeth, put on clothes and eat breakfast. The only difference is that I do a quick stop at my dads old room.... The one room in this house that is not used. Not anymore.

I always found myself starring at the dusty bookshelves and posters of his favorite quotes, actors and other stuff. But what really caught my attention was the big piano in the middle of the room.

I walked towards it smiling when I thought about my first piano lessons. I had been 8... and really eager to learn how to play piano. Dad couldn't teach me as he didn't know how to play but he hired a piano teacher and within the next two years I had learnt it fully.

I felt so completed when I played. It felt like it was just meant to be and everything else around me disappeared. I constantly caught myself in humming or singing some lyrics to the melody I was playing. Sometimes it was completely random and just for fun... but other times... Other times every word and note seemed to fit perfectly and I couldn't help but smile.

"Mom used to play piano" I heard my dad speak and turned my head towards him. He had that sad glimpse in his eyes he always had when he thought or talked about mom. She had passed away when I was about 6. Dad was devastated and always went completely silent when I mentioned her. I understood him though. He lost the love of his life.

"It was her idea to place it in here" He continued as he walked over and placed a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head to look at him. His green eyes met mine and I knew we both had the same memory right now.

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