Chapter 1

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                       "Kick, kick, kick!" Agetha shouted as Melanie raced around the barrel. "Bring her home!" Agetha shouted. Melanie raced around the final barrel and finished. Agetha cheered as Melanie crossed the finish. Melanie's time was 14.40! "Good girl Maggie." Melanie said to her horse. Melanie gave her horse a big pat and went back to her mom. "That was a great round honey!" Agetha said enthusiastically. "Thanks mom." Melanie said. Melanie stopped Maggie in front of her mom and dismounted. "Why aren't you excited? That was an amazing round!" Agetha said with a smile. Melanie sighed and didn't reply. Agetha gave Melanie a hug and she also gave Maggie a pat. The rest of the riders went but none were as fast as Melanie. "The winner of the Red Bull rodeo is....Melanie Green on her horse Maggie!" The announcer said. "I knew you would win." Agetha said. Melanie rolled her eyes and sighed. Melanie grabbed her reward then she loaded Maggie into the trailer and they drove home. "Honey, why are you so upset today? You won." Agetha asked as she started the truck. Melanie just shrugged and didn't reply. They finally arrived home and Melanie led Maggie to her stall. They had five horses. Melanie's chestnut mare Maggie, a bay gelding named Red, a black mare named Star, a chestnut gelding named Pete and a palomino gelding named Sun. "Come on girl." Melanie said as they came towards Maggie's stall. Melanie put Maggie in her stall right next to Red. All of the horses were barrel horses so Melanie couldn't try any other discipline. Melanie went inside and on to her laptop. She started looking at some other disciplines that looked interesting. As she was searching she came across showjumping. "This looks so cool." Melanie said. Melanie started watching videos and she found a girl name Amanda Barkley who was well known for show jumping. Melanie got excited and she started getting inspired. She looked up more videos of Amanda and found an interview. "Why do you love jumping?" The news reporter asked. "Well, I have always loved horses and when I turned 9 my parents said I can start lessons but I didn't know what discipline I wanted to do. So I started searching and one appealed to me and that was show jumping. My instructor started working with me and I remember my first time jumping and I immediately loved it. It feels like your flying and it has stuck to me." Amanda explained. "Do you have any tips for people wanting to jump?" The news reporter asked. "If you want to learn how to jump then go for it. Don't let people try to get in your way. Never give up even when it gets tough. If it is your dream then do it." Amanda explained. Melanie smiled as she watched the interview. A few minutes later her mom walked in. "What are you watching, sweetie?" Agetha asked. "Just an interview." Melanie replied. Agetha sat on the bed next to Melanie. "Who is that?" Agetha asked. "Amanda Barkley, she is a famous jumper. She is really amazing. I would love to do what she does." Melanie said. After Melanie said that she wished she could of taken it back. She didn't want her mom to know she was interested in another discipline. "Well, you are sticking to barrel racing. Isn't it fun?" Agetha asked. "It is but I want to do something else. I love riding Maggie around the barrels but I am not like you mom. I don't want to barrel race anymore. I want to be a jumper like Amanda." Melanie explained. Agetha sighed "I don't want you jumping. It is too dangerous." Agetha said. "So is barrel racing. Anything with a 1200 pound animal is dangerous!" Melanie snapped. Agetha sighed again then walked out of the room. "No jumping, Melanie!" Agetha said as she closed the door. Melanie sighed then went to sleep. She dreamed about her jumping on a dappled grey gelding. They were flying through the coarse. She ended up winning in her dream and Melanie smiled in her sleep. The next morning Melanie woke up at 6:00 am to get ready for school. It was Monday which is her favorite day. Melanie didn't mind school but she would rather stay at home with her horse. Melanie had a few friends. Her best friend was Mya Brown. Melanie and Mya hang out everyday. Mya loves horses like Melanie and she also does barrel racing. The only difference is Mya wants to barrel race. Melanie ate breakfast, brushed her hair and teeth then put on a purple shirt that said "I love horses" and it had a heart and a horse on it. Then she put on jeans and her cowgirl boots then headed out the door to the bus. "Bye mom, I love you." Melanie said as she headed out the door. "Love you too, honey. Have a good day." Agetha replied. Melanie climbed onto the bus and sat next to Mya. Mya lived a few houses down from Melanie so they visited each other all the time. "Hey Melanie. How did the rodeo go yesterday?" Mya asked as Melanie sat down. "It was pretty good. I won first place." Melanie replied. "That is awesome. I wish I could have been there but I was really busy this weekend so I couldn't go. I haven't gone to a rodeo in a while. I miss it and so does Blaze." Mya said. Mya had a chestnut gelding with a blaze. Blaze loved to barrel race and so did Maggie it was in their blood but Melanie didn't love it. "Hopefully, you will be at the next one." Melanie replied. "Me too." Mya said. The bus arrived at the school and all the kids ran to their lockers and classes. Melanie and Mya just walked. They were probably the most mature kids at the school. They were always respectful and kind to the teachers and other students. Mya and Melanie had math and science together. They had math first bell and science last bell. They made their way to the classroom and started their long day of school. Melanie wanted to tell Mya about jumping but she was afraid Mya will be upset because Mya called Melanie her barrel racing partner. Melanie planned to tell her at lunch or after school but she was nervous on how it would turn out. 

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