Chapter 16

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It was finally Sunday! The day Melanie has been waiting for. Melanie didn't have any breeches or English riding boots so, she will just have to wear her jeans and cowgirl boots for now. Melanie brushed her hair and teeth then headed downstairs. "Why are you all dressed up?" Agetha asked. "I was wondering if I could walk to the library and get some books." Melanie said. "Okay, but why are you wearing your riding clothes?" Agetha asked. "They are comfortable." Melanie said. "Okay, well be back before lunch." Agetha said. "Okay." Melanie replied then walked out the door. Melanie smiled as she walked out the door because she knew in just a few minutes that she will reach her dream. Finally after fifteen minutes of walking, she arrived at the barn. It was beautiful. There was so many pastures with gorgeous horses and the barn was huge. There was a big outdoor arena and out there was a girl jumping on a grey horse. Melanie stopped and watched her for a few minutes. Melanie's eyes lit up as she watched her. Soon the rider had finished and dismounted. Then Melanie walked to the barn to go find Lisa. Melanie walked through the isle of horses then finally found her. "Hey Melanie, are you excited for your first lesson here?" Lisa asked. "Yes, I can't wait." Melanie said. "Well, follow me and I will show you the horse you will be riding for now." Lisa said. Melanie nodded then followed Lisa. Lisa led Melanie to a bay gelding with a white stripe, three white socks and one black sock. "Who is this pretty boy?" Melanie asked. "This is Champ, he is the sweetest horse you will ever ride. He is a 16.3hh bay gelding." Lisa explained. "He is gorgeous." Melanie said. Lisa smiled. "Grab his halter. It is the brown one with his name." Lisa instructed. Melanie grabbed the halter then put it on Champ's head. "Come on, boy." Melanie said softly. Melanie led Champ to the cross ties. "Alright, follow me and I will show you the tack you will be using." Lisa said. Lisa led Melanie into the tack room and picked up an English saddle. "This is the type of saddle you will be using for jumping. It is an English saddle and it has no horn. It is used to keep close contact with the horse. We use this saddle in a bunch of different sports like show jumping, dressage, cross counter and a lot more." Lisa explained. "Wow, it looks really cool." Melanie said. Lisa handed the saddle to Melanie. "Wow, this is way lighter then a western saddle." Melanie said. "Yep, it sure is." Lisa said grabbing the bridle. "Here is Champ's bridle." Lisa said. Then Lisa showed Melanie the saddle pads. "You can pick whatever saddle pad you want." Lisa said. Melanie looked at them then picked a pink saddle pad with a light blue trim. "Perfect, let's get you all tacked up." Lisa said. Melanie quickly groomed Champ then Lisa showed her how to tack up in English. Finally, Champ was tacked up and Lisa led Melanie to the indoor arena. "He is really tall." Melanie said on the way to the arena. "Don't worry, you will be alright." Lisa said trying to comfort Melanie. "My horse is only 15.2hh." Melanie said. "I promise, you will be fine." Lisa said. They got in the arena and Lisa showed Melanie how to change the stirrup length. "Alright, there you go. Now go ahead and mount on." Lisa instructed. Melanie nodded then stepped onto the mounting block. Melanie took a deep breath then mounted onto Champ. Champ felt way different the Maggie. Melanie smiled then gave Champ a pat. Lisa put a lunge line onto Champ's bridle. "I don't need a lunge line. I know how to ride." Melanie said. "I know that but it is just so you can get used to the English saddle." Lisa explained. "Alright." Melanie replied. Lisa had Melanie walk in a circle. "Good, now spread your arms out." Lisa instructed. "Why?" Melanie asked. "It will help you keep your balance." Lisa explained. Melanie nodded then spread her arms out. "Very good, now grab onto the reins and we can try a trot." Lisa instructed. Melanie grabbed the reins then Lisa cued Champ to go into a trot. "Very nice." Lisa said. Lisa slowed Champ down then unclipped the lunge line from his bridle. "Now yo can try by yourself. Go walk around for a few minutes and get use to him and the saddle." Lisa instructed. Melanie had Champ walk around the arena three times then Lisa instructed her to meet her in the middle. "Good, do you like him?" Lisa asked. Melanie nodded with a smile. "Alright, you can go ahead and trot around while I set up a small cross rail." Lisa instructed. Melanie's eyes lit up then started trotting around. Lisa set up a small cross rail and Melanie could not keep her eyes off of it. She couldn't believe she was finally going to jump. "Alright, now I want you to trot over the jump. Keep your eyes forward." Lisa instructed. Melanie trotted towards the jump and as she was heading towards it, her stomach started turning. Melanie had no idea what to expect so she was got nervous. Champ leaped over it and Melanie smiled. All her nerves flew away. "Great job, Melanie. Go ahead and cool him off. Next week we are going to work on two-pointing." Lisa said. Melanie nodded then started cooling off Champ. "Good boy." Melanie whispered. After a few minutes of cooling Champ off, she finally dismounted. Melanie led Champ to the cross ties and started untacking. "So, what did you think of your first lesson here?" Lisa asked. "It was so much fun! I can't wait till next week." Melanie replied with a smile. "That's good. When do you think you will have the money in?" Lisa asked. Melanie stopped everything. She had no idea what to say. "Um.. I will give it to as soon as possible." Melanie said nervously. "Alright, well if it helps maybe you could help out around here." Lisa suggested with a smile. Melanie had the biggest smile when Lisa suggested her working at the stable. "Oh my gosh! I would love too!" Melanie said in excitement. Lisa smiled. "Put Champ in his stall then come to my office so I can tell you the schedule." Lisa instructed. Melanie nodded. "Come on boy." Melanie said to Champ. Melanie led Champ into his stall then gave him a goodbye kiss. "See you later." Melanie whispered then went to the office. Melanie sat down in front on Lisa. "Alright, so I was thinking Mondays and Fridays you can come up and work at the barn. It will be 4:30-6:00." Lisa explained. "What things will I be doing?" Melanie asked. "When you first get here you will let Champ outside, then you will clean his stall and refill his water bucket. Then I have one horse that needs to be exercised." Lisa explained. "Wait, I can exercise a horse?!" Melanie asked in excitement. "Yep, he is very sweet. He came in a few days ago and I haven't had time to work with him. Since you are a good rider, I was wondering if you could ride him." Lisa explained. "Sure!" Melanie said. "Alright, you will start this Friday." Lisa said. "Okay." Melanie said. Melanie then walked back home. Melanie saw her mom freaking out. She was calling someone on the phone. "Mom?" Melanie said. Agetha hung up the phone. "Oh my goodness! Where were you?!" Agetha asked. "I was at the library." Melanie lied. "That was a very long time. I thought something bad had happened." Agetha said. "I am fine, mom." Melanie said. Melanie then went to her room and laid down after a long day.

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