Chapter 18

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It was Friday which was Melanie's first work day at the barn. Melanie was excited but she knew she had to wait till after her barrel racing lesson. Melanie got up and got ready. Melanie bushed her hair then went downstairs. Melanie hopped in the car then they headed to the barn. "Are you excited to go back?" Agetha asked. "Yeah...." Melanie lied. She was more excited about Green Wood Academy. They arrived at the barn and Melanie got out. Melanie was excited to see Maggie. Melanie went inside and greeted Maggie. When she saw Maggie, she didn't look very good. "Hey girl, are you okay?" Melanie asked softly. Maggie pricked her ears up and nickered. Maggie wanted to walk over but she couldn't. Melanie walked in her stall to check on her. "You aren't yourself. What's wrong?" Melanie asked worriedly. Maggie started breathing heavily. Melanie didn't know what to do. Melanie went up to stroke Maggie but before she could, Maggie collapsed. "Donna! Come quick!" Melanie shouted. Melanie sat down next to Maggie. Donna ran over to the stall. "Oh my!" Donna said. Donna came in the stall to see if she could find out what was wrong. Sabrina walked by the stall and stopped. "Sabrina, call the vet! Now!" Donna instructed. Sabrina sighed then went to call the vet. Melanie started crying. Donna gave her a hug. "It's okay Melanie, she will be alright." Donna whispered. "I can't loose her, Donna! She's the only thing I have that makes my life feel complete!" Melanie cried. "You aren't going to lose her. She will be okay." Donna said trying to calm Melanie down. Donna really wasn't sure if Maggie was going to be okay but Donna needed Melanie to calm down. Ten minutes later, the vet arrived. "Thank you so much for hurrying, Dr. Wood." Donna said. "No problem." Dr. Wood replied. Dr. Wood checked Maggie and found out what it was. "She has colic. It is really bad!" Dr. Wood said. "What!"  Melanie said starting to cry even more. "Can you treat it?" Donna asked. "I am not sure, this is the worst case of colic I have seen in a long time." Dr. Wood replied. "Have you noticed anything, different?" Dr. Wood asked. "Well, yesterday she refused to eat." Donna said. "That can sometimes be a sign. Did you ride her yesterday?" Dr. Wood asked. "No, I wasn't here yesterday. So, she shouldn't have been." Melanie said. "Well..Since you weren't here Melanie, we used Maggie. One of the girls needed a horse to ride because the one they were riding is on stall rest." Donna explained. "What! Who?" Melanie asked getting angry. "Um....Sabrina." Donna answered nervously. That is when Melanie lost it. "You let that mean person ride my horse!" Melanie snapped. "I made sure she didn't use spurs." Donna said. "I don't care! Maggie is my horse! No one else should ride her!" Melanie snapped again. "Ladies! Enough! Most likely, riding her probably made it worst." Dr. Wood said. Melanie started crying again. "Melanie, I am sorry." Donna whispered. Melanie didn't reply. "Look, I can try and treat it but I am not positive it will work. I will try it and if you see her getting worse then let me know." Dr. Wood explained. "Alright." Donna said. Dr. Wood treated it as quick as he could. "Alright, you will have to wait and see how she does. Again, if she gets worse make sure to call me. Don't ride her for a few days." Dr. Wood explained. "Okay." Melanie said softly. Donna and Dr. Wood got up and talked privately. "I'm sorry girl. I should have been here yesterday. This is all my fault." Melanie whispered to Maggie. Maggie softly nickered. Melanie laid her head down on Maggie and fell asleep. Donna let Melanie rest with Maggie. She wanted Melanie to spend as much time with Maggie as she could because they weren't sure if Maggie would make it. Almost an hour later, Agetha walked in. "Oh my." Agetha whispered. Agetha walked in the stall and woke Melanie up. "Come on, dear. It's time to go home." Agetha said softly. "I want to stay with Maggie." Melanie said. "Maggie will be aright, but both of you need rest. So, come on." Agetha replied. Melanie lifted up and stretched. "I will wait for you in the car." Agetha said. "Okay." Melanie replied. Agetha got up and waited in the car. "Bye Maggie, I love you. You're the best horse a girl could ever ask for. See you soon." Melanie whispered. Maggie nickered as in saying goodbye. Melanie teared up as she walked out to the car. Melanie climbed in the car then they drove home. Melanie stayed quiet the whole drive home. When they arrived home, Melanie remembered that she had to work today at Green Wood Academy. Hopefully, it will cheer her up. Melanie went upstairs and got ready. Melanie decided to change into leggings because they were pretty close to breeches. Then she put her cowgirl boots back on. Melanie went downstairs to tell her mom that she was going to the library again. "Mom, I am going to go to the library again to get my mind off of Maggie." Melanie said. "Alright, honey. Don't be so long this time." Agetha said. "Okay." Melanie replied. Melanie went out the door and headed to her favorite place, Green Wood Academy. When Melanie arrived, Lisa was at the barn entrance waiting for her. "Hi, Melanie." Lisa said. "Hey, what should I do first?" Melanie asked. "Come in and I will show you." Lisa said. Lisa led Melanie to a white board on the wall. "This will show you the things to do. It even tells you what pasture that Champ goes in." Lisa explained. "Okay, I will get started." Melanie said. "Alright, if you need help with anything. Just let me know." Lisa said. "Okay." Melanie replied. Melanie looked at the board and saw that the first thing to do was let Champ outside then do his stall. Melanie went to go grab Champ. "Hey boy." Melanie said softly. Melanie put Champ's halter on then led him out to the pasture. "Go have fun." Melanie said as she took the halter off. Champ bolted and played with the other horses. Melanie laughed then went back inside. Melanie grabbed a wheelbarrow and pitchfork then started on Champ's stall. About half an hour later, Melanie had finished cleaning Champ's stall. Next, she refilled Champ's water bucket. Then Melanie went back to the board and it said Exercise Max. "That must be the new horse." Melanie said to herself. Melanie went down the isle of horses and found Max at the last stall on the left. "Hi boy." Melanie said softly. Max nickered. Max was a chestnut gelding. He had a star and four white socks. He was adorable! Melanie grabbed his halter then led him to the cross ties. "I see you're finally getting to work with the new horse." Lisa said. "Yep, I can't wait to ride him. He seems so sweet!" Melanie said. "He sure is. You will love him." Lisa said. Melanie quickly groomed and tacked up Max. Melanie led Max to the indoor arena and mounted up. "Let's start with a nice warm up." Melanie whispered. Melanie squeezed Max into a walk. "Good boy." Melanie whispered. After a few minutes of walking, Melanie squeezed Max into a trot. "Good." Melanie said. Max's trot was very smooth. Lisa stopped by the arena and watched. Lisa smiled as she watched Melanie ride Max. Melanie then asked for a canter. Max listened and cantered. His canter was very smooth. "Good boy." Melanie said. After cantering around a few times she slowed him down. She gave him a big pat. "Do you like him?" Lisa asked. "I love him." Melanie said with a smile. It was like Melanie and Max were connected. Max trusted Melanie and Melanie trusted Max. It was a match made in Heaven.

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