Chapter 23

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                                     Melanie's riding was getting better. She started cantering over jumps now and she really enjoyed it. Melanie loved every second of it. Melanie's life would be complete if she could buy Max. Melanie was getting more and more attached to Max. Their bond was getting stronger. Melanie couldn't bare to leave his side. Early one morning, Agetha woke Melanie really early. Melanie's lesson was cancelled today so she had no idea why they were getting up so early. "Why are we getting up so early?" Melanie asked. "You'll see." Agetha said. Melanie got dressed then brushed her hair and teeth. Melanie ate some cereal then her and Agetha headed to the car. "Mom, where are we going?" Melanie asked. "You'll see." Agetha said again. Agetha kept answering with the same reply. She was hiding something from Melanie. They arrived at the stables and Melanie was very confused. "Mom, why are we here? I don't have a lesson today." Melanie asked. "Just follow me." Agetha said. Melanie followed Agetha into the barn. When Melanie got into the barn, she saw Max on the cross ties with a red ribbon and he was all tacked up with new tack. Melanie didn't know what was going on. "What's going on?" Melanie asked Lisa standing next to Max. "Melanie, say hello to your new horse." Lisa said. "Wait, what?!" Melanie said in shock. "Me and your mother talked for a long time and I allowed her to buy Max for you. Me and her knew how much you and Max were connected. We couldn't keep you two apart forever." Lisa explained. Melanie gave Lisa a big hug and started crying tears of joy. "Thank you so much." Melanie said. "I am not the one you should be saying thank you to." Lisa said pointing towards Agetha. Melanie smiled then gave her mother a huge hug. "Thank you mom, I love you." Melanie said. "I love you too, honey." Agetha said. "Are we taking him home?" Melanie asked. "Yep, the trailer is all hooked up." Agetha said. "I didn't even notice the trailer." Melanie said. Agetha smiled. "You want to ride Max as his new owner?" Lisa asked. "Of coarse." Melanie said. Melanie grabbed Max's reins then led him to the arena as horse and owner. Melanie mounted onto Max and started warming up. Melanie could not believe that the horse she was riding was now hers. Melanie couldn't stop smiling and neither could Agetha and Lisa. Max was very happy as well. Melanie rode for half an hour. Melanie dismounted Max then gave him a big hug. Melanie untacked Max then loaded him into the trailer and they drove home. Melanie was filled with excitement. She immediately grabbed her phone and started texting Josie. 


Melanie: Josie, guess what! 

Josie: Spill! 

Melanie: My mom bought me Max. I have two horses now! Two horses that mean the absolute world to me. 

Josie: Omg, that's great! I am very happy for you, Melanie! I hope I can come over soon and meet him. 

Melanie: Me too. I miss you a lot. 

Josie: I miss you too. 


"Are you texting Josie?" Agetha asked. "Yes, I am telling her about Max." Melanie said. "She needs to come over again soon, she is really sweet." Agetha said. "I know, hopefully very soon she can come over again." Melanie said. "All she has to do is ask and she is more than welcome to come over." Agetha said. Melanie smiled. They arrived home and Melanie led Max to his brand new stall. She took her time so Max could get a good look at the place. "Good boy." Melanie said softly. Melanie put Max into his new stall right next to Maggie. Max loved his new home. Melanie smiled then rubbed his muzzle. Maggie pricked her ears forward and nickered when she saw Melanie. "Hi girly, this is my new horse. His name is Max. But, you are still my horse as well.  I have both of you and I love both of you equally." Melanie said softly to Maggie. Maggie rubbed against Melanie. Melanie giggled. "I love you two, see you later." Melanie said. Melanie walked out of the barn and went to greet Sparky. Sparky wagged his tail as he saw Melanie come inside. When Melanie came inside, Sparky jumped into her arms as he always does. Melanie laughed then gave Sparky a kiss. Melanie sat in the living room with her mother and Sparky and they watched "Moondance Alexander" Melanie laid against her mother's shoulder. She slowly drifted asleep, dreaming about her two fantastic horses and jumping through the fields. This was Melanie's best day ever. Her dream came true. Not just jumping but she has two horses that mean the absolute world to her. Melanie has never been happier. Melanie can't wait for what the future holds. 

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