Chapter 14

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                Today was the day! It was the second competition of the season. "Melanie, time to get up." Agetha said. Melanie woke up and sighed. "What's wrong honey? You seem depressed." Agetha asked. Melanie shrugged then went downstairs. Agetha was worried about Melanie, she has never seen her so down. Melanie didn't even eat her breakfast. "Melanie, please talk to me. What's wrong?" Agetha asked again. "Nothing." Melanie mumbled. Melanie went upstairs to get ready. Agetha sighed then washed the dishes. As Melanie was brushing her hair, she got a call from Josie. Melanie smiled then answered. 

...................................................Phone call.................... 

Melanie: Hello? 

Josie: Hey, I just wanted to wish you luck on the competition today. 

Melanie: Thank you so much. I really miss you. 

Josie: I miss you too. I hope I can come over soon. 

Melanie: Me too. 

Josie: How's Maggie? 

Melanie: She's doing very well. Don't get me wrong, I love Maggie with all my heart but I really want to jump. One of the problems is that Maggie has never jumped before. 

Josie: I know what you mean. Well, maybe someday if you are allowed to jump then you could get a horse for jumping but still keep Maggie. 

Melanie: Like that will ever happen. My mom is obsessed with me barrel racing. She will never let me do any other sport but barrel racing. 

Josie: You never know, Mel. 

Melanie: Well, I gotta go. It is almost time to leave. 

Josie: Alright, Mel. Good luck. 

Melanie: Thanks. Love ya. 

Josie: Love ya too. 

...................................End of phone call................... 

"Melanie, come on!" Agetha shouted as she headed out the door. "Coming!" Melanie said. Melanie rushed down the stairs and got in the car. "Are you excited about the competition?" Agetha asked. "The only thing I am excited about is to see Maggie." Melanie said softly. They arrived at the competition and Melanie went to go find Donna. "Hey Donna." Melanie said. "Hey Melanie. Go get signed in then get Maggie ready. She is in stall number five." Donna explained. "Alright." Melanie replied. Melanie signed in then went to go greet her horse. "Hey Maggie." Melanie said. Maggie nickered and walked up to her. Melanie grabbed Maggie's halter then led her to the cross ties. As Melanie was grooming Maggie, Sabrina walked in. She looked very angry and surprisingly she was late. Sabrina just eyed Melanie then went to go get Cowboy. Melanie just shook her head and continued getting Maggie ready. Melanie got Maggie all tacked up then led her to the warm up ring. Melanie sighed as she mounted Maggie. Melanie squeezed Maggie into a walk and just quietly warmed up. "Sabrina, what took you so long?" Donna asked from outside the warm up ring. Melanie looked over and listened. "Sorry, I was late. I had to get new cowgirl boots to sparkle." Sabrina said in her sarcastic voice. Sabrina's new cowgirl boots were teal with royal blue sparkles. Oh my gosh! Really?! Melanie thought. Donna shook her head then went to go help the rest of the riders. Sabrina mounted her paint gelding. He had on a sparkly blue saddle pad. Of coarse, she has got to match Melanie thought. Melanie sighed then started trotting Maggie. "Let's do one practice round." Melanie whispered to Maggie. Melanie squeezed Maggie and they were off. They went around the barrels with a flawless round. "Good girl." Melanie said. "It was good, but not good enough to beat me!" Sabrina said from behind Melanie. "Ugh, Sabrina. Please leave me alone." Melanie said calmly. "Just letting you know." Sabrina said sarcastically then started cantering. Melanie rolled her eyes then walked Maggie over to the arena. Fifteen minutes later, the competition started. "Alright, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the Brookesvill rodeo! First up we have, Sabrina Flame on her horse Cowboy!" The announcer said. Melanie noticed Sabrina was wearing spurs. Melanie sighed and rolled her eyes. Sabrina kicked hard and they were off. Melanie could tell Cowboy was in pain. If Sabrina really needed spurs, she shouldn't kick that hard! All she needs to do is put light pressure! Melanie thought. As they came around the final barrel, Sabrina kicked even harder. Sabrina kicked so hard that Cowboy started rearing and bucking. "No! You dumb horse!" Sabrina shouted. Sabrina digged her spurs into Cowboy's skin. Cowboy reared even more and Sabrina lost her stirrups and fell off. "Oh my gosh!" Donna shouted. Everyone ran over to Sabrina. Cowboy was still going crazy so, Melanie dismounted Maggie and went to calm him down. "Whoa boy, it's okay. You will be okay." Melanie said in a calm voice. Cowboy calmed down and walked over to Melanie. Cowboy nickered then put his head into Melanie's arms. Melanie gave him a kiss. Melanie looked at Cowboy's sides and saw that he was bleeding. "Awe, you poor thing." Melanie whispered. Sabrina got up and was very angry. This was the angriest Sabrina has ever been. "Give me my horse now!" Sabrina shouted then yanked the reins from Melanie's hands. "Why do you treat him like that?" Melanie asked. "Ugh, Melanie it's just a horse! Who cares how I treat him! He is my horse anyway! So, stay out of my business! He is my horse and I can treat him however I want! Pain is the only way to win!" Sabrina snapped. Donna walked over angrily. "Sabrina, if you are going to continue hurting your horse then go to another barn!" Donna said. Melanie has never seen Donna so angry. "Fine! This barn was a waste of my time anyway! I will find a better barn where I will always win!" Sabrina snapped then led Cowboy out of the ring. "What about Cowboy?" Melanie asked. "I am afraid there is nothing we can do, dear." Donna said. Melanie teared up a little bit. "Go ahead and get on Maggie. Your round is coming up." Donna said. Melanie nodded then mounted Maggie. A few other riders went before her. "Alright, finally we have Melanie Green on her horse Maggie!" The announcer said. "Let's get this over with, girl." Melanie whispered. Melanie squeezed Maggie and they were off before the audience could blink. They came around the final barrel with a flawless round. "Good girl." Melanie said as she walked Maggie out of the ring. "Great job, Melanie." Donna said with a smile. "Thanks." Melanie mumbled. Melanie dismounted and walked Maggie around to cool her off. As Melanie was cooling Maggie off, a lady came up to her. "Hi, I just want to say that you were one of the best riders I have seen." The lady said. "Thanks. Who are you?" Melanie asked. "My name is Lisa Fawn. I am a riding instructor up at Green Wood Academy." Lisa replied. Melanie noticed that Lisa was wearing breeches and tall black boots. "Do you teach english?" Melanie asked. "Yes, we do. We teach jumping and dressage." Lisa said. Melanie's eyes lit up and she smiled. Could this be Melanie's time to reach her dream? 

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