Chapter 8

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Sparky jumped onto Melanie's bed and licked her face. Melanie woke up giggling. "Sparky!" Melanie said joyfully. Agetha walked in with a smile. "Guess what day it is!" Agetha said as she sat on the bed. Melanie's smile turned into a frown. "Mom, do I have to go?" Melanie asked. "Yes, you made a commitment to do this." Agetha replied. "No, I didn't! You are the one who signed me up when I didn't want to!" Melanie snapped. Agetha didn't reply and headed down stairs. Sparky whined because he knew they were getting ready to leave and he could sense that Melanie was sad. "It's okay Sparky." Melanie whispered as she got off her bed. Melanie had no desire of going to the competition. The only positives were seeing her horse and Josie. Another good thing was Josie's family was picking Melanie up because Melanie's parents had a few arons to run before they could go. Melanie quickly ate breakfast and got dressed. Whether Melanie wanted to do it or not she had to do it for her team, for Maggie and for her parents. Especially her mom. After Melanie was done getting ready, a few moments later Josie and her family arrived. They honked the horn and Melanie ran out to their car. "Bye mom and dad! Bye Sparky!" Melanie shouted as she ran out the door. Melanie got into their car and sat next to Josie. "Hey Mel, you look tired." Josie said through her laugh. "Tell me about it." Melanie laughed.  "Are you girls excited about the competition?" Josie's mom asked. "I am but I would be more excited if I could be in it." Josie replied. Melanie didn't reply and just stared out the window. Melanie wanted to tell Josie really bad about her not wanting to barrel race but she didn't want to lose another friend. They arrived at the competition at 6:30 which was really early. "Come on!" Josie said with joy. Josie grabbed Melanie's arm and dragged her to the horses. "Hey girls." Donna said stopping them. "Hey." Melanie replied. "Maggie is right over there." Donna pointed toward a little paddock. Melanie smiled as she saw her horse gallop through the field. Melanie ran over to greet her beautiful mare. "Hey girly, how are you pretty girl?" Melanie said joyfully. Maggie galloped over to Melanie and nickered. Melanie giggled and gave her a kiss. Josie came from behind Melanie. "Your horse is amazing." Josie said. "Thanks. Smokey is amazing too." Melanie replied. Josie smiled and started to pet Maggie. Soon the rest of the girls arrived and went to greet their horses. "Alright girls, go get signed in and tacked up." Donna said. The girls signed in quickly. "What is your name?" A girl from the desk asked Melanie. "My name is Melanie." Melanie replied. "What is your horse's name?" The lady asked. "My horse is named Maggie." Melanie said. "Great, you are all signed in. Have fun. Good luck today." The lady said with a smile. Melanie put on a weak smile then went to go get Maggie. Melanie put Maggie's halter on and led her to a cross tie. "Let's get you ready girl." Melanie said. Melanie quickly groomed and tacked up Maggie. As Melanie was tightening the girth, Sabrina walked over. "Hey Melanie, I just wanted to wish you luck. I mean it must be hard for a beginner to be in such a show." Sabrina said sarcastically. "Sabrina, just to let you know. I have been barrel racing since I was 9. So, I am not a beginner." Melanie replied. "Whatever! I have been barrel racing since I was 4." Sabrina said through her laugh. Melanie just sighed. "Anyway, you better not fall off. I mean not like I care. I will laugh if you fall but you know, you don't want to let everyone down." Sabrina said in anger. Sabrina grinned then went back over to her horse. "Let's go girly." Melanie said. Melanie led Maggie out to the warm up ring and mounted up. Soon all of the girls were in the warm up ring. As Melanie was warming up she saw her mom, dad and Mya. Why? Melanie thought. Melanie walked Maggie over to them. "Hey Mya, why are you here?" Melanie asked. "I am here to support you Mel." Mya replied. "Oh..Thanks." Melanie said with a weak smile. Mya smiled back and followed Melanie's parents to the seats. Melanie sighed then decided to do a practice run. Melanie squeezed Maggie and she was off in a flash. Sabrina watched as Melanie raced around the barrels. Melanie came around the final barrel and had a perfect practice run. Sabrina just eyed Melanie then continued warming up. "Good girl, Maggie." Melanie whispered. Melanie gave Maggie a pat then put her into a walk. "Maggie, I guess I can talk to you. I can tell you anything and you won't be upset.  Right?" Melanie whispered to Maggie. Maggie nickered and put her ears towards Melanie so she could listen. "Maggie, I just don't want to barrel race anymore. I love riding you and all that but I want to do a different discipline. I wish my mom would understand that. I wish Mya could understand. Our friendship hasn't been the same because of me not  wanting to barrel race. I want to tell Josie but I don't want to lose another friend. At least I have you to talk to. I love you Maggie." Melanie whispered. Melanie leaned over and hugged Maggie. Melanie dismounted and led Maggie out of the warm up ring. Maggie nuzzled Melanie's shoulder as if she was saying she loved Melanie too. "Is Maggie warmed up?" Donna asked. Melanie nodded and gave Maggie another pat. "Perfect. Well you guys will be going up soon." Donna said. "I know, I took a practice run and I am just letting Maggie rest before the competition starts." Melanie said. Donna smiled "You and Maggie are a perfect team. You listen to each other which is amazing." Donna said softly. Melanie smiled back then led Maggie around for a few minutes. Finally all the competitors were done warming up. Melanie mounted back on to Maggie and lined up with her team. "Are you guys ready?" Donna asked the team. "Yeah!" They all shouted except for Melanie. "Great! Well good luck girls! Just remember to have fun." Donna said with a smile. "First up we have Sabrina Flame and her horse Cowboy!" The announcer said. Sabrina walked into the ring and got ready. Flame really fits her for a last name Melanie thought. Melanie laughed to herself. Sabrina put her horse into a gallop and they were off. "Come on boy!" Sabrina said angrily. Sabrina kicked harder around the final barrel then raced home. "You could have been faster." Sabrina said to her horse. Cowboy let out a deep sigh. "Great run from Sabrina and her horse Cowboy!" The announcer said. "Hey Mel." Josie said coming from the seats. "Yes Josie?" Melanie said. "I just want to say good luck. You and Maggie will be great." Josie whispered. Melanie put a weak smile on. "Thanks Josie." Melanie replied. Josie smiled then stood on the fence to watch the rest of the barrel racers. "Finally we have Melanie Green on her horse Maggie!" The announcer said. Melanie sighed then walked into the ring. She stopped at the starting point. "Alright girl, let's get this over with." Melanie whispered. Melanie squeezed Maggie and they were off before the audience could even blink. They raced around the first two barrels perfectly then started coming around the final barrel. A little boy in the audience was waving a flag around and spooked Maggie. Maggie bolted and Melanie lost both her stirrups and slid off. Everyone ran over to her. "Oh my gosh, is my darling okay?" Agetha asked. "I don't know." Donna replied. Melanie was knocked out. Maggie was at the other side of the ring and put her head down as she saw Melanie on the ground. Maggie walked over and nuzzled Melanie. Melanie started to wake up. "Maggie?" Melanie said very quiet. Maggie nickered and nuzzled her again. Melanie started coughing really bad. Melanie got the air knocked out of her. "Oh my gosh! Honey, are you okay?" Agetha said kneeling down beside Melanie. "No." Melanie said through her cough. Melanie felt a sharp pain in her wrist. She tried to move it then started crying because it hurt so much. "I think you sprained it." Donna said. Mya pushed through all the people to get to Melanie. "Mel, oh my gosh! I was so worried when I didn't see you wake up." Mya said. "I am fine. I just got knocked out." Melanie said through her tears. Agetha picked Melanie up and took her to the truck. Josie led Maggie back to the stable and untacked her. Mya got in the truck next to Melanie. "Let's get you to the hospital." Agetha said as she got in the truck. Melanie nodded then kept rewinding the memory of the fall. It happened so fast. 

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