Chapter 7

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A week later Josie was back at the barn but she still couldn't ride. So, she just sat and watched the lessons and learned from watching. "Alright girls, our first competition is this weekend. So, we have to work hard this week." Donna said. Sabrina grinned thinking of winning. "Donna, will are horses already be there?" Melanie asked. "Yep, we take the horses there and you girls will arrive at 7:00." Donna replied. "Only beginners ask that question." Sabrina mumbled through her giggle. Melanie heard what Sabrina said and got angry. "Josie, you will be in the next competition." Donna said to Josie. Josie nodded and put on a fake smile. She wanted to be in the competition really bad but she couldn't because of her arm. "Alright, now you girls will do this on your own. I want to see if you remember everything I have taught you. Sabrina, you go first." Donna said. Sabrina nodded and a second later Sabrina and her horse were off. They went around the pattern perfectly. Sabrina came around the final barrel and raced home. "Ha, beat that." Sabrina said stopping next to Melanie. "Great job, Sabrina. I have a feeling you will win this year." Donna said. Sabrina grinned and sighed with satisfaction. Melanie was getting angrier at Sabrina and wanted to prove that she can beat her. "Donna, could I go next?" Melanie asked. Donna nodded and Melanie went to the starting point. "Let's show her Maggie." Melanie whispered. Melanie and Maggie were off in a flash. Josie smiled as she watched her friend go around the barrels. Melanie came around the final barrel and had a perfect round. "That was really good, Melanie." Donna said. Melanie put on a fake smile and went back to the line. Melanie sighed as she watched the other barrel raced. She started day dreaming of her jumping again. "Melanie! What are you doing?! This is important!" Donna snapped. Melanie snapped out of her day dream and noticed everyone staring at her. "I am sorry Donna. I was....just...thinking." Melanie said nervously. "Well, get back into reality. I am trying to talk about the competition and you weren't even listening." Donna said. "Alright, I am sorry." Melanie replied. "Okay, on Saturday you kids will arrive near 7:00am and your horses will be outside. When you get there you will sign in and then put your horses into their stalls. Then at 8:30 you start tacking up and go to the warm up ring. The competition starts at 9:30 so you will have a lot of time to warm up." Donna explained. All of the girls nodded then dismounted. Melanie was exhausted. "Hey, great job today Mel." Josie said with a smile. "Thanks." Melanie replied in a angry voice. "What's wrong?" Josie asked. "Nothing, I am sorry. I am just...stressed." Melanie lied. Josie gave Melanie a hug. "You will do great." Josie whispered. Melanie put on a weak smile then led Maggie back to the barn. After Melanie put all her tack away she decided to rinse off Maggie since it was so hot. "Does that feel good, girly?" Melanie whispered. Maggie nickered softly. Finally, Melanie was done rinsing off Maggie and she put her back into her stall. "Bye girly, I love you." Melanie said on her way out of the barn. Agetha was waiting by the truck and was holding Sparky. Melanie ran over to them. "Hey mom, hi Sparky." Melanie said. "Hey honey, how was your day?" Agetha asked. "It was alright." Melanie replied. A few moments later as Melanie was getting in the truck with her mom, Josie ran up. "Hey Mel. Do you know a time I could come over? I would love to hang out with you sometime outside of the barn." Josie asked. Melanie's eyes lit up as she heard what Josie was asking. Melanie hadn't had anyone over since her fight with Mya. "Mom, do you know a time Josie could come over?" Melanie asked her mom. "I will see when we are free." Agetha replied with a smile. "Alright, I would absolutely love to come over." Josie said. "Well, see you tomorrow Josie." Melanie said as she hugged Josie. "Bye Mel. Have a good rest of your day." Josie said. Josie went back to the barn to wait for her mom to arrive. "Who was that?" Agetha asked as she put the truck in drive. "She is my new friend. Her name is Josephine but I call her Josie. She has a gelding named Stormy who is a beauty. She also really nice and accepts me for who I am." Melanie explained. "What about Mya? She is your best friend. You guys haven't talked in forever. She accepts you for who you are." Agetha said in concern. "Mya called me the other day. Yes, she friend but she doesn't really accept me for who I am. I told her that I didn't want to barrel race anymore and because of that we got into an argument and she didn't talk to me for a really long time." Melanie explained. Melanie hesitated as she called Mya her best friend. It didn't feel like that anymore. Ever since their fight it has felt different. Melanie was starting to find a better friendship with Josie. Melanie loved Mya and she always will but she didn't want to be best friends with her anymore. "Well, I am glad you are making new friends honey. But I would be mad too if you told me about quitting. You and Mya use to barrel race together all the time and then all of the sudden you want to quit." Agetha said with a little anger. Oh no, not this again Melanie thought. Melanie didn't reply and just stared out the window. Sparky cuddled in Melanie's lap on the drive home. Sparky was probably the only one at the moment who understood how Melanie was feeling. They arrived home and on the front porch was Melanie's dad with pizza and pop. "I got some pizza for you guys." Brandon said as he hugged Melanie. Brandon then gave his wife a kiss.  "Let's have this as another family night but please don't ask me questions about barrel racing." Melanie pleaded. Melanie's parents agreed then sat down at the table. Sparky laid down next to Melanie and wagged his tail. Melanie was finally getting a moment to spend time with her family without her mom complaining about her not wanting to barrel race anymore. 

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