Chapter 21

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                                      The next day, it was time to pick up Maggie from the barn. Melanie was excited to see her horse. Sparky seemed like he was excited too. He kept wagging his tail non stop. As Melanie headed to the car she grabbed her phone to tell Josie about everything. "Who are you texting?" Agetha asked. "Josie." Melanie replied with a smile. "You two are like sisters." Agetha said. "Yep." Melanie replied. 


Melanie: Omg! Josie, I have so much to tell you! 

Josie: What's up? 

Melanie: Omg, where do I start? Well, a few days ago Maggie got sick and she collapsed. It was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me. I thought I was going to lose my girl. Then I started exercising this new horse called Max at Green Wood Academy. He is a chestnut gelding. He looks a lot like Maggie. The first day I exercised him, we automatically had a special bond. He is the sweetest thing ever. Then Lisa noticed that and allows me to use him for lessons now. I also have some shocking news! My mom found out about my lessons and at first we broke out into an argument but not too long after that, my mom started to understand that we are different. Me and my mom talked for a while and she is letting me continue my lessons at Green Wood Academy! I am so happy for what the future holds. She is also letting me quit the team. We are picking up Maggie now! She is doing better by the way. I am so excited to see her! 

Josie: Wow! I have no words. LOL. Well, first I am glad Maggie is doing better. I am sorry that happened with her. Also, Max sounds like a wonderful horse and I am in shock that your mom finally let you take jumping lessons! I am very happy for you,  Melanie. I hope I can come over again soon. I miss you a lot. 

Melanie: I miss you too. Maybe this weekend. How's your horse doing? 

Josie: He is doing really good but he seemed kinda down after we left the barn. I think he misses Maggie. 

Melanie: Awe, maybe in the future they can see each other again. 

Josie: Yep, that would be fun. 

Melanie: Well, I gotta go. We arrived. I will talk to you later after we pick up Maggie. 

Josie: Alright, talk you later Melanie. Love you. 

Melanie: Love you too. 


Melanie and Agetha arrived at the barn and they both walked in together. "Hey guys, Melanie go ahead and get Maggie ready." Donna instructed. "Actually, I am quitting the team. Also, shouldn't Maggie still be on stall rest? She just now started standing up." Melanie explained. "Oh, why are you quitting?" Donna asked. "Barrel racing is no longer my passion." Melanie said. "We are here to pick up Maggie." Agetha said. "Oh okay." Donna said then walked away. That was weird Melanie thought. Melanie went over to greet Maggie. "Hey girl. How are you doing?" Melanie asked Maggie. Maggie pricked her ears up and she tried to walk over to Melanie but she was still struggling to move. "Still not very good huh? You ready to go home?" Melanie asked. Maggie nickered when she heard the word home. Maggie missed the other horses.  Melanie grabbed Maggie's halter and slowly led her out to the trailer. "Steady girl." Melanie whispered. Melanie loaded Maggie into the trailer then gave her a pat before closing it up. "Good girl." Melanie said then closed the trailer. Melanie got into the car with her mom and they drove home. "Donna acted strange." Melanie said. "I know, but don't worry about it." Agetha said. Melanie thought about everything Donna has done. Donna allowed Sabrina to stay even though she hurt her horse, she allowed Sabrina to ride Maggie even though she hurt Cowboy, she acted really strange when Maggie got sick and she acted even more strange when she found out Melanie was leaving. Also, why would she allow Melanie to ride Maggie after she just now started standing up? Melanie thought to herself. Melanie continued asking herself questions about Donna. They arrived home and Melanie unloaded Maggie from the trailer then led her to her stall. All of the horses pricked their ears up and nickered as they saw Maggie. They missed Maggie too. Maggie also missed her cozy stall. "There you go girly." Melanie said as she slid the halter off. Maggie started eating some hay that Melanie put in there before they picked her up. Melanie smiled as she watched her horse finally starting to eat. "See you later girl." Melanie said then closed the stall door. Melanie went inside and made herself a cheese sandwich then went upstairs to watch some horse movies. Sparky followed and sat in her lap. Melanie watched "Spirit, stallion of the cimmaron." and slowly fell asleep. Today was a good day for Melanie, she finally got her horse back home. Melanie dreamed all about Max and Maggie but that dream turned into a nightmare. As Melanie was sleeping, she had a nightmare about Donna being the one that made Maggie sick. 


Melanie walked into the stables to greet her horse and as she headed to the stall, she saw Donna in the stall. She was mixing something in Maggie's food. "What're you doing in my horse's stall?" Melanie asked. "Oh, just giving her the morning feed." Donna lied. "But, you don't usually have to mix her food with anything." Melanie said. Donna didn't reply and continued mixing the food. Melanie walked over and checked to see what it was. It was a poison! "Are you poisoning my horse?!" Melanie asked in shock. Donna laughed. "Maybe." Donna said. 

.................................................End of nightmare...........  

Melanie woke up right after that. She started crying. It felt so real. After that, Melanie went downstairs. "Hi honey, are you okay?" Agetha asked. "I had a nightmare." Melanie said. "What was it about?" Agetha asked. "Donna poisoning Maggie." Melanie said. Agetha went over and hugged Melanie. "It will be okay, it was just a dream." Agetha said softly as Melanie cried. Melanie could no longer go back to sleep that night. 

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